Building Sequence Database Files for the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope

3.2 2 Selecting HUT Guide Stars

As mentioned above, information on potential guide stars for use with each observation will be retrieved by HUT personnel and entered into each SDF automatically. These data will include positional information relative to the target, the HST GS magnitude, and the guide star ID number. When the digital image data are available, a hard copy of the field will be produced and placed into the numbered manila folder for each object. Our software will also produce a plot of the field to the same scale as the image, with guide star identifications cross-referenced to the SDF entries. Clear overlays of this plot can be placed on the image to assist in identifying which guide stars to use for a given target.

There are rules for choosing guide stars which are based on operational or safety issues, but there is also an element of "art" involved. Below we present these rules, and then discuss some additional guidelines that should prove helpful.

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