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User Specified Search Field

You may search on any column listed below. Where reasonable, the table lists the range of valid values or a set of sample values. A description of the column is also given. Note the column "label" is the name displayed on the search forms and in search results. The column "name" is the actual column name in the table and needs to be specified in GET requests.

From a MAST search form, simply select the column "label" in the forms pulldown menu and type in the qualification in the adjacent box. Note that if you specify constraints on the same column in more than one form element, they will all be included in the query and you may not get results you expect. In a HTTP GET request, specify the column "name" in the service request. (See the MAST Services web page for information on sumbitting GET requests.)

Column Name Column Label Description Examples/Valid Values Data Type
rowid Row ID Sequential integer representing the row number of table 1 to 25 long
k2_name K2 Name Exoplanet name in the form k2-n[b,c,d..] where n is a sequential number followed by a letter (starting with b) to distinguish planets in multiple planetary systems. example: k2-10b char
epic_host EPIC ID EPIC ID identifying corresponding host star entry in the Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog. Note planets in the same star system are assigned the same ID. example: EPIC 201208431 char
alt_name Alt Name Additional name as used in the NExScI exoplanet archive. Frequently it's the same as the K2 planet name. example: WASP-28b char
degree_ra RA (J2000) Right Ascension of host star in decimal degrees. 100.8480 to 353.9554 double
st_raerr RA Error Right Ascension uncertainty in decimal degrees. 0 to 5E-06 real
degree_dec Dec (J2000) Declination of host star in decimal degrees -3.9056 to 27.2523 double
st_decerr Dec Error Right Ascension uncertainty in decimal degrees. 0 to 6E-06 real
pl_discmethod Disc Method Method for detecting planet Transit, RV, ... char
pl_radj Planet Radius Estimated planet radius (jupiter = 1.0) 0.1400 to 1.4660 float
pl_radjerr1 Planet Radius err1 Upper limit planet radius uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0) 0.0160 to 0.8320 float
pl_radjerr2 Planet Radius err2 Lower limit for planet radius uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0) -0.8320 to -0.0160 float
pl_radjlim Planet Radius Limit Flag planet radius in Jupiter Radii limit flag currently all 0 long
pl_radn # Planet Radius Measurements Number of measurements made of planet radius 1 to 2 long
pl_orbsmax Semi-Major Axis Estimated planet semi-major axis (AU) 0.0423 to 0.2257 float
pl_orbsmaxerr1 Semi-Major Axis err1 Upper limit planet semi-major axis uncertainty 0.0004 to 0.0143 float
pl_orbsmaxerr2 Semi-Major Axis err2 Lower limit for planet semi-major axis uncertainty -0.0143 to -0.0004 float
pl_orbsmaxlim Semi-Major Axis Flag semi-major axis limit flag currently all 0 long
pl_orbsmaxn # Semi-Major Axis Measurements Number of measurements made of planet semi-major axis 1 to 2 long
pl_orbeccen Orbital Eccentricity Estimated planet Orbital Eccentricity (AU) 0 to 0.2460 float
pl_orbeccenerr1 Orbital Eccentricity err1 Upper limit planet Orbital Eccentricity uncertainty 0.0720 float
pl_orbeccenerr2 Orbital Eccentricity err2 Lower limit for planet Orbital Eccentricity uncertainty -0.0720 float
pl_orbeccenlim Orbital Eccentricity Limit Flag Orbital Eccentricity limit flag 0 to 1 long
pl_orbeccenn # Orbital Eccentricity Measurements Number of measurements made of planet Orbital Eccentricity 0 to 1 long
pl_orbincl Orbital Inclination The angle between the plane of the sky (perpendicular to the line of sight) and the orbital plane of the planet candidate. 82.1300 to 89.6800 float
pl_orbinclerr1 Orbital Inclination err1 Upper limit planet orbital inclination uncertainty 0.1800 to 0.6700 float
pl_orbinclerr2 Orbital Inclination err2 Lower limit for planet orbital inclination uncertainty -0.6700 to -0.1800 float
pl_orbincllim Orbital Inclination Limit Flag planet orbital inclination limit flag currently all 0 long
pl_orbincln # Orbital Inclination Measurements Number of measurements made of planet orbital inclination 0 to 2 long
pl_massj Planet Mass Estimated planet mass (jupiter = 1.0) 0.0370 to 2.1800 float
pl_massjerr1 Planet mass err1 Upper limit planet mass uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0) 0.0040 to 0.2500 float
pl_massjerr2 Planet mass err2 Lower limit for planet mass uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0) -0.2500 to -0.0040 float
pl_massjlim Planet mass Limit Flag planet mass in Jupiter Masses limit flag currently all 0 long
pl_massn # Planet mass Measurements Number of measurements made of planet mass 0 to 2 long
pl_msinij Planet Msini Estimated planet mass times sin(i) (jupiter = 1.0) currently all null float
pl_msinijerr1 Planet msini err1 Upper limit planet mass uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0) currently all null float
pl_msinijerr2 Planet msini err2 Lower limit for planet mass uncertainty (jupiter = 1.0) currently all null float
pl_msinijlim Planet msini Limit Flag planet msini in Jupiter mass limit flag currently all null long
pl_msinin # Planet msini Measurements Number of measurements made of planet msini currently all 0 long
pl_dens Planet Density Estimated planet density (g/cm**3) 0.6760 to 4.1700 float
pl_denserr1 Planet Density err1 Upper limit planet density uncertainty 0.0630 to 1.0800 float
pl_denserr2 Planet Density err2 Lower limit for planet density uncertainty -1.0800 to -0.0630 float
pl_denslim Planet Density Limit Flag planet density limit flag currently all 0 long
pl_densn # Planet Density Measurements Number of measurements made of planet density 0 to 1 long
pl_orbper Period Estimated Planet period in earth days 2.7908 to 44.5631 float
pl_orbpererr1 Period err1 Lower uncertainty limit in Planet period in earth days 0.0000 to 0.3248 float
pl_orbpererr2 Period err2 Upper uncertainty limit in Planet period in earth days -0.3248 to -0.0000 float
pl_orbperlim Period Limit Flag planet period limit flag currently all 0 long
pl_orbpern # Period Measurements Number of measurements made of planet period 1 to 2 long
pl_kepflag Kepler Flag Is planet in Kepler FOV (1=yes, 0-no) currently all 0 long
st_mass Stellar Mass Estimated Stellar Mass (solar = 1.0) 0.2400 to 1.3500 float
st_masserr1 Stellar Mass err1 Upper limit for estimated Stellar Mass Uncertainty (solar = 1.0) 0.0100 to 0.0900 float
st_masserr2 Stellar Mass err2 Lower limit for estimated Stellar Mass Uncertainty (solar = 1.0) -0.5600 to -0.0100 float
st_masslim Stellar Mass Limit Flag stellar mass limit flag currently all 0 float
st_massblend Stellar Mass Blend Flag stellar mass blend flag currently all 0 long
st_massn # Stellar Mass Measurements # of stellar mass Measurements 1 to 3 long
st_rad Stellar Radius Estimated Stellar Radius (solar = 1.0) 0.2500 to 5.1500 float
st_raderr1 Stellar Radius err1 Upper limit for estimated stellar radius uncertainty (solar = 1.0) 0.0100 to 0.2700 float
st_raderr2 Stellar Radius err2 Lower limit for estimated stellar radius uncertainty (solar = 1.0) -4.3900 to -0.0100 float
st_radlim Stellar Radius Limit Flag stellar radius limit flag currently all 0 long
st_radblend Stellar Radius Blend Flag stellar radius blend flag currently all 0 long
st_radn # Stellar radius Measurements # of stellar radius Measurements 1 to 3 long
st_dist Stellar Distance Derived Stellar distance in parsecs 34 to 2019 float
st_disterr1 Stellar Distance err1 Estimated stellar Distance lower uncertainty (pc) 2 to 78 float
st_disterr2 Stellar Distance err2 Estimated stellar Distance upper uncertainty (pc) -1728 to -2 float
st_distlim Stellar Distance limit Flag stellar Distance limit flag currently all 0 long
st_distn # Stellar Distance Measurements stellar distance number of measurements 0 to 2 long
st_vj Stellar V mag Stellar V (Johnson) magnitude 10.1900 to 16.3100 float
st_vjerr Stellar V mag err Estimated stellar V mag uncertainty 0.0090 to 0.0900 float
st_vjlim Stellar V mag Limit Flag stellar V mag limit flag currently all 0 long
st_vjblend Stellar V mag Flag stellar V mag blend flag currently all 0 long
st_teff Stellar Teff Derived Effective Temperature 3468 to 6566 long
st_tefferr1 Stellar Teff err1 Upper limit for estimated stellar Teff uncertainty 17 to 189 long
st_tefferr2 Stellar Teff err2 Lower limit for estimated stellar Teff uncertainty -189 to -16 long
st_tefflim Stellar Teff Limit Flag stellar teff limit flag currently all 0 long
st_teffblend Stellar Teff Blend Flag stellar teff blend flag currently all 0 long
st_teffn # Stellar Teff Measurements # of stellar teff Measurements 1 to 3 long
hd_name HD Name HD name example: char
hip_name HIP Name HIP name example: char
last_update Last Update Date of last update stored as a string. To search for entries from May, 2014 for example, specify "2014-05-*". example: 2015-07-30 char
Column Name Column Label Description Examples/Valid Values Data Type