import argparse import os import stat def print_cmd(ofile, url, cadence_str, k2id, campaign, cmdtype): # Print a data download command to an opened file given a K2 ID and campaign. this_filename = "ktwo" + k2id + '-c' + '{0:02d}'.format(int(campaign)) + cadence_str if cmdtype == "curl": cmd_str_to_add = " -f -R -o " + this_filename + " " else: cmd_str_to_add = " " this_cmd = (cmdtype + cmd_str_to_add + url + 'c'+'{0:d}'.format(int(campaign)) + '/' + k2id[0:4] + '00000/' + k2id[4:6] + '000/' + this_filename) ofile.write(this_cmd + '\n') def get_k2(idict): # Extract command-line arguments from the input dict. k2ids = idict["k2ids"] cadence = idict["cadence"] data_type = idict["data_type"] ofile = idict["ofile"] cmdtype = idict["cmdtype"] if "campaigns" in idict: campaigns = idict["campaigns"] else: campaigns = None # This is the base URL to use when requesting K2 files. lc_base_url = "" tp_base_url = "" if data_type == "lightcurve": base_url = lc_base_url else: base_url = tp_base_url # Define the file extensions to use. if data_type == "lightcurve": if cadence == "long": cadence_str = "_llc.fits" else: cadence_str = "_slc.fits" else: if cadence == "long": cadence_str = "_lpd-targ.fits.gz" else: cadence_str = "_spd-targ.fits.gz" # Use all available campaigns if 'campaigns' are not specified. if campaigns is None: campaigns = [str(x) for x in xrange(26)] # If 'k2ids' is a scalar string put it in a list. Same with 'epochs' and 'campaigns' if isinstance(k2ids,str): k2ids = [k2ids] if isinstance(campaigns, str): campaigns = [campaigns] # Make sure K2 IDs are zero-padded. k2ids = ["{0:09d}".format(int(x)) for x in k2ids] # Write to script file. with open(ofile, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write("#!/bin/sh\n") for k2id in k2ids: for campaign in campaigns: print_cmd(output_file, base_url, cadence_str, k2id, campaign, cmdtype) # Print a warning message to let users know there will sometimes be Error 404's. output_file.write("echo\n") output_file.write('echo Script completed. Note: Some \\"Error 404\\" messages are expected,' ' depending on your parameters. It is always recommended to confirm the' ' expected number of files are successfully downloaded.\n') # Make sure file is executable. os.chmod(ofile, 0744) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Script to generate download commands given one or" " more K2 IDs.", epilog="Ex.: python" " 202717132 204313397 -t target_pixel_file" " --campaigns 2") parser.add_argument("k2ids", action="store", nargs='+', help="One or more K2 IDs to" " retrieve data from.") parser.add_argument("-c", action="store", type=str.lower, dest="cadence", default="long", choices=["short", "long"], help="Specify the type of cadence. Default=" "'%(default)s'.") parser.add_argument("-t", action="store", type=str.lower, dest="data_type", default= "lightcurve", choices=["lightcurve","target_pixel_file"], help="What type" " of data product to retrieve. Default = '%(default)s'.") parser.add_argument("-o", action="store", dest="ofile", default="", help="Full" " path and file name of the output file to create. Any existing file with" " the same name will be overwritten. Default = '%(default)s'.") parser.add_argument("--campaigns", action="store", type=str, dest="campaigns", nargs="*", help="One or more campaign numbers to retrieve with each K2" " ID.") parser.add_argument("--cmdtype", action="store", type=str.lower, dest="cmdtype", default="curl", choices=["curl","wget"], help="What download tool should be used? Default" " = '%(default)s'.") args = vars(parser.parse_args()) get_k2(args)