![]() Mission Status Report #7 Star Date: June 30, 1999 Photo: Science Team Lead, Bill Oegerle accepts the "key to FUSE" from Jim Moore, NASA/GSFC Director of Flight Projects, at Launch Day ceremony at JHU. (Photo courtesy of NASA/GSFC photographer Debbie McCallum). (Click photo to see larger version.) See more JHU Launch Day Photos.
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 15:35:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Bill Oegerle Subject: FUSE IOC, June 30 FUSE IOC news, June 30, 1999 Today was a very full day for FUSE, and this will be a longer report than normal. A number of us (Dave Sahnow, Scott Friedman and I) were up at the crack of dawn (actually 3:30 am EDT) to watch the turn-on of Far-UV detector #2. Low voltage was turned on, and the stim pulsers were activated. Everything responded as planned, and all currents and voltages were nominal. Both detector segments were receiving the expected count rates. Over the next couple of orbits, the detector temperatures steadily rose to expected values. Next, Jeff Kruk arrived for the activation of FES-B, which was booted at 5:30am EDT. Again, all telemetry looked nominal. FES-A will be turned on a few days from now. An orbit later, we turned on Far-UV detector #1. Again, everything looks good. The real fun started when we performed the Bright Object Sensor BOS) calibration and performed a planned slew to beta=160 degrees (20 degrees from the sun!). This worked great, and the baffle doors cooperated by staying closed (as they should--whew!). The BOS triggered at approximately the correct angle from the sun, but we don't know the trigger angle precisely yet because the telemetry is on the spacecraft recorders, and will be downlinked to the ground later. But all signs indicate that the BOS works as designed. Kudos to the University of Colorado. But we weren't finished! Next we performed a BOS bright earth check, to make sure the bright object sensors would not trigger when we looked at bright earth. Again the BOS passed the test. This test was done after performing a slew of almost 180 degrees, which the spacecraft handled nicely. We are starting to get real comfortable with slews carried out by the attitude control system. Kudos to Orbital Sciences. Later this afternoon, we will turn on the Focal Plane Assembly (FPA) electronics. Ken Brownsberger (Univ of Colorado) is here to monitor the turn-on. Finally, time permitting, we will upload a new thermal control table. The spectrograph temperature will be increased over the next 3-4 days to a temperature of about 30 degrees (current temp is less than 10 deg). Well, I think that is enough for one day. Tomorrow we will be doing an engineering checkout of FES-B and taking the first images with the FES (baffle doors still closed) to determine the dark current in the CCD. We will then begin mapping the SAA. We conclude with a note of appreciation to the flight ops team for putting in lots of long hours getting the spacecraft and instrument turned on and checked out. Today's award for exceptional duty goes to Tom Jennings, who has been here for well over 12 hours now. Tom's broad knowledge of the instrument has been very valuable during this check-out period. Thanks, Tom! Reported by: Bill Oegerle, Science Ops Lead