Next: 5 Raw Image Registration
Up: 4 Raw Image Screening
Previous: 4.9.2 Potential Problem Areas
The RAW_SCREEN module does not generate any output data
products (i.e., FITS file). Instead it produces a temporary (internal
only) file which contains various
flag conditions that are used by
subsequent processing modules (e.g., PHOTOM).
The RAW_SCREEN module outputs the following information to
the HISTORY portion of the image label:
number of bright spots detected,
number of missing minor frames (telemetry dropouts) detected,
large-aperture extraction mode (if applicable),
serendipitous-exposure information (if applicable),
large- and/or small-aperture continuum DN levels,
background DN level (An error was discovered in the reporting of this
parameter, ie. a value of 0 DN was recorded, which affects all SWP
high-dispersion small-aperture images processed prior to June 14, 1997.)
ORDERG global offset (high dispersion only), and
ORDERG processing information (high dispersion only).
Karen Levay