Two portions of the low-dispersion extraction procedure rely upon an
estimate of the detector noise in order to perform their functions.
First, the cross-dispersion profile fitting routine utilizes the
estimated S/N of each wavelength sample in order to calculate
appropriately weighted spline fits to the data. Second, the extraction
procedure uses the noise model information to derive an error estimate
for each point in the extracted spectrum. The noise models are derived
empirically for each camera by measuring the scatter in the flux numbers
(FN) around the mean FN in the background regions of several hundred
science and flat-field images taken at a variety of exposure levels.
Since the sigma as a function of FN is wavelength-dependent, the
analysis is performed within 20 equal-sized wavelength bins
(54Å wide for the SWP and
85Å wide for the
long-wavelength cameras) in the low-dispersion SI. For each wavelength
bin the standard deviation in FN versus mean FN is represented by a
third-order polynomial. The wavelength-dependence of the four
coefficients of this polynomial are then each represented with a
third-order polynomial to allow a determination of the expected standard
deviation of any pixel given its wavelength and observed FN.