The initial Pass 1 proceeds in two steps. In the first step a background
estimate is
obtained by fitting a 7th-degree polynomial through fluxes of selected pixels
in the spatial direction. In this step interorder fluxes are ignored between
the short-wavelength orders for which the overlap is most severe, a
triangular-shaped region easily seen in
Figure 3 and which we will
call the interorder overlap region (``IOR"). For the SWP camera the IOR sets
in at 1520 (line 373). The percentage contamination gets
progressively worse below this wavelength, but its importance in arbitrary
flux units is greatest for the SWP camera at
1280Å (line 233).
1300, the instrumental sensitivity rapidly declines,
so the contaminated flux becomes less of an interfering factor in determining
local backgrounds. Analogous conditions and defined regions apply for the
long-wavelength camera images but are less pronounced.
In the presence of certain image pathologies and for first few and last
Pass 1 swaths across the short and long-wavelength ends of echelle orders,
the first step is the only one for the Pass 1 procedure. However, for most
swaths it serves as reference background function for a more detailed
determination. In the second step this estimate is used as a floor from
which heights of local order fluxes are combined with a Point Spread Function
to estimate the interorder flux contribution. The steepness of the
rising leg of the IOR flux elevations near orders in the wavelength range
1280-1520 is compared with a PSF model derived from
well-exposed images of exposures of hot stars. If the measured slope of
overlap among a group of echelle orders agrees within a tolerance factor of
the slope of the model, the measured value is used. If the tolerance test
fails, the program uses the model slope between points nd and nf
(Figure 3) from the model as a default. The PSF also
contains an extended flat ``ramp" due to halation, which is the reflection
of photoelectrons up to 7 pixels from an illuminated source
(Coleman et al. 1977). Fluxes for a large number of orders, comprising
wavelengths over
1520-1860 for SWP echellograms, are elevated
by halation, so interorder contamination of background fluxes actually extends
over most of the useable region of SWP images. The product of the PSF values
and heights of each adjacent order is computed and subtracted from the raw
interorder fluxes (squares) in Figure 3 to create ``working" background
values. A new 7th-degree polynomial is then fit through both the working
and raw fluxes outside the regions affected by interorder contamination, as
depicted by the solid line in Figure 3. It is important to note that
BCKGRD attempts to remove the contaminant flux from electro-optic
halation and from adjacent orders but not light scattered from the two
gratings. The omission of the latter component means that the background
fluxes can be too low by a few percent for the short-wavelength orders relative
to the true zero-flux level, e.g., as determined from interstellar or lines.
After a solution is computed for a particular Pass 1 data swath, a series
of data pathology tests is performed on the solution. These criteria and
the action taken by BCKGRD if they fail are described in the NEWSIPS manual
appendix. Typical types of failures are maxima or minima of a Pass 1 solution
occurring beyond empirically determined tolerance factors for spatial
regions of the swath where solutions do not normally exhibit large extrema.
The typical response of BCKGRD to a failure of one of these tests is to
decrement the trial Chebyshev degree by one and to repeat the Pass 1 step
until no failures occur or, in rare instances, a degree of 3 is reached; see
the appendix in Garhart et al. 1997 for a summary of these tests. One of these
pathology tests is particularly relevant to unfavorable conditions often
occurring near the short-wavelength corner of the SWP camera image, where the
Lyman feature lies (see