HST Treasury, Archival Legacy and Large Programs

Several special types of programs were created for the Hubble Space Telescope beginning in Cycle 11. Chief among these are the Treasury, Archival Legacy and Large programs. The goal of these programs is to increase the scientific impact of HST, in part by providing sets of high-level science products to the astronomical community that are useful for addressing multiple scientific topics. MAST also encourages the contribution of high-level science products from all HST programs and from other MAST based missions.

Please consult the guidelines for contributing high-level science products for more information. You may see a complete list of all high-level science products archived at MAST and also search for a variety of criteria to find HLSP of interest. You may also be interested in more information about download options.

Below are three tables listing the three types of programs. The planned orbit counts may not be completely accurate especially for multi-cycle programs. These tables are compiled on the fly and may take a few seconds to load.

Treasury Programs

Click on column heading to sort.

First Cycle for the Program Proposal    Number(s)    Title PI Planned External Orbits* Planned Parallel Orbits* Program Website MAST Website / HLSP Number of Refereed Papers Associated with Program
3117502Resolving gas, star formation and feedback in nearby galaxies with an HST+JWST+ALMA TreasuryThilker, David 1690--0
3117491A Legacy Far-Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Extremely Metal-Poor O StarsTelford, Grace 1100--0
3117464From High-Energy Particle Beam Heating in Stars to Ozone Destruction in Planets: NUV Spectra as the Fulcrum for a Comprehensive Understanding of Flaring M Dwarf SystemsKowalski, Adam F.880--0
3117435The Hubble Missing Globular Clusters SurveyMassari, Davide 610--0
3017192, 17414The SPACE Program: a Sub-neptune Planetary Atmosphere Characterization ExperimentKreidberg, Laura 2050--0
3017183Hubble Ultraviolet-optical Survey of Transiting Legacy Exoplanets (HUSTLE) treasury programWakeford, Hannah 1220--0
3017147The Parallel Ionizing Emissivity SurveyScarlata, Claudia 0400--0
3017126An HST Treasury of Stellar Feedback in Action: Sizes, Structures, and Power Sources for 50,000 Extragalactic HII RegionsChandar, Rupali 190--0
3017112A Treasury FUV Survey of the Hottest White DwarfsReindl, Nicole 1300--0
3017077, 17402The 25,000-Lightcurve HST-Kepler Treasury SurveyBedin, Luigi R.168--0
2916778, 16796, 16797, 16798, 16799, 16800, 16801The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Southern Treasury (PHAST)Williams, Benjamin F.1950--2
2916659, 16986, 17401Accreting white dwarfs as probes of compact binary evolutionPala, Anna Francesca1320--0
2816316GULP: Galaxy UV Legacy ProjectSabbi, Elena 840--1
2816259, 164433D-DASH: A Wide Field WFC3/IR Survey of COSMOSMomcheva, Ivelina 2590--2
2816252, 16793TREASUREHUNT: Hubble's UV-Visible treasury imaging of the JWST NEP Time-Domain FieldJansen, Rolf A.5252--4
2715902Tracing the 6-D Orbital and Formation History of the Complete M31 Satellite SystemWeisz, Daniel R.244244--6
2715840The COS Legacy Archive Spectroscopic SurveY (CLASSY): A UV Treasury of Star-Forming GalaxiesBerg, Danielle 1330--11
2615654PHANGS-HST: Linking Stars and Gas throughout the Scales of Star FormationLee, Janice 1220--48
2615648The Solar System Origins Legacy SurveyParker, Alex Harrison2060--0
2615647Ultraviolet Imaging of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey Fields (UVCANDELS)Teplitz, Harry 1640--14
2515278UV-Visible Imaging of the JWST NEP Time-Domain Field: the *best* extragalactic survey field *always* accessible to JWSTJansen, Rolf A.3636--5
2515117BUFFALOSteinhardt, Charles Louis101101-In Preparation23
2515071The Mega-MUSCLES Treasury Survey: Measurements of the Ultraviolet Spectral Characteristics of Low-mass Exoplanetary SystemsFroning, Cynthia Suzanne1570--8
2414767The Panchromatic Comparative Exoplanetary Treasury ProgramSing, David K.4980--75
2414734Milky Way Cosmology: Laying the Foundation for Full 6-D Dynamical Mapping of the Nearby UniverseKallivayalil, Nitya 1640--6
2314241Cloud Atlas: Vertical Cloud Structure and Gravity in Exoplanet and Brown Dwarf AtmospheresApai, Daniel 1120--14
2314209The Final UV Frontier: Legacy Near-UV Imaging of the Frontier FieldsSiana, Brian 480--16
2314161The Intersection of Atomic Physics and Astrophysics: Identifying UV Fe I Lines from Metal-Poor Turnoff StarsPeterson, Ruth C.740--18
2314096RELICS: Reionization Lensing Cluster SurveyCoe, Dan 1900https://relics.stsci.edu/https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/relics/96
2213872The GOODS UV Legacy Fields: A Full Census of Faint Star-Forming Galaxies at z~0.5-2Oesch, Pascal 132132http://www.astro.yale.edu/hduv/https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/hduv/29
2213826The Orion Nebula Cluster as a Paradigm of Star FormationRobberto, Massimo 5252--9
2213779The Faint Infrared Grism Survey (FIGS)Malhotra, Sangeeta 160160--28
2213650The MUSCLES Treasury Survey: Measurements of the Ultraviolet Spectral Characteristics of Low-mass Exoplanetary SystemsFrance, Kevin 1250http://cos.colorado.edu/~kevinf/muscles.htmlhttps://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/muscles/38
2113467Follow The Water: The Ultimate WFC3 Exoplanet Atmosphere SurveyBean, Jacob L.1510--56
2113364LEGUS: Legacy ExtraGalactic UV SurveyCalzetti, Daniela 154154http://legus.stsci.edu/https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/legus/106
2113346Advanced Spectral Library II: Hot StarsAyres, Thomas R.2300http://casa.colorado.edu/~ayres/ASTRAL/https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/astral/19
2113297The HST Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters: Shedding UV Light on Their Populations and FormationPiotto, Giampaolo 131131--126
2012939Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project {HTTP: unraveling Tarantula's web}Sabbi, Elena 6060-https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/30dor/23
1912534The Panchromatic Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Ultraviolet CoverageTeplitz, Harry 9090-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/uvudf/57
1812278Advanced Spectral Library Project: Cool StarsAyres, Thomas R.1460http://casa.colorado.edu/~ayres/ASTRAL/https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/astral/18
1812177, 123283D-HST: A Spectroscopic Galaxy Evolution Treasuryvan Dokkum, Pieter 248248http://3dhst.research.yale.edu/Home.htmlhttp://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/3d-hst/527
1812099, 12461, 13063Supernova Follow-up for MCTRiess, Adam 364202--116
1812065, 12066, 12067, 12068, 12069, 12100, 12101, 12102, 12103, 12104, 12451, 12452, 12453, 12454, 12455, 12456, 12457, 12458, 12459, 12460, 12787, 12788, 12789, 12790, 12791Through a Lens, Darkly - New Constraints on the Fundamental Components of the CosmosPostman, Marc 474474http://www.stsci.edu/~postman/CLASHhttp://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/clash275
1812060, 12061, 12062, 12063, 12064, 12440, 12442, 12443, 12444, 12445, 13056Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey -- GOODS-South Field, Non-SNe-Searched VisitsFaber, Sandra M.795793http://candels.ucolick.org/http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/candels971
1812055, 12056, 12057, 12058, 12059, 12070, 12071, 12072, 12073, 12074, 12075, 12076, 12105, 12106, 12107, 12108, 12109, 12110, 12111, 12112, 12113, 12114, 12115, 12116A Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury - IDalcanton, Julianne 834828http://www.astro.washington.edu/groups/phat/Home.htmlhttp://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/phat/127
1711664, 12666The WFC3 Galactic Bulge Treasury Program: Populations, Formation History, and PlanetsBrown, Thomas M.560-https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/wfc3bulge/36
1510915ACS Nearby Galaxy SurveyDalcanton, Julianne 218295http://www.nearbygalaxies.org//dashboard/homehttp://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/angst/92
1510861An ACS Treasury Survey of the Coma cluster of galaxiesCarter, David 164164-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/coma/48
1410775An ACS Survey of Galactic Globular ClustersSarajedini, Ata 1340http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~ata/public_hstgc/http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/acsggct342
1410530Probing Evolution And Reionization Spectroscopically {PEARS}Malhotra, Sangeeta 200200-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/pears/48
1310403Ultraviolet Imaging of the UDFTeplitz, Harry 620-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/udfuv/11
1310246The HST survey of the Orion Nebula ClusterRobberto, Massimo 104104-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/orion/50
129822, 10092The COSMOS 2-Degree ACS SurveyScoville, Nicholas Z.5900http://cosmos.astro.caltech.edu/http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/cosmos/582
129803Deep NICMOS Images of the UDFThompson, Rodger I.144144-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/udf/84
119455, 9974, 10094Mid-Ultraviolet Spectral Templates for Old Stellar SystemsPeterson, Ruth C.1100--26
119425, 9583The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey: Imaging with ACSGiavalisco, Mauro 3980http://www.stsci.edu/science/goods/http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/goods/740
119420, 9973Intensive Coverage of the Eta Carinae Event in 2003Davidson, Kris 730-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/etacar/49
First Cycle for the Program Proposal    Number(s)    Title PI Planned External Orbits* Planned Parallel Orbits* Program Website MAST Website / HLSP Number of Papers Associated with Program

Archival Legacy Programs

Click on column heading to sort.

First Cycle for the Program Proposal    Number(s)    Title PI Planned External Orbits* Planned Parallel Orbits* Program Website MAST Website / HLSP Number of Refereed Papers Associated with Program
3117563ArchExtract: Maximizing Hubble's Archival Legacy of Slitless SpectroscopyRyan, Russell E.NANA--0
3117559Galactic Winds Unveiled: Leveraging Cloud Simulations with Radiative Transfer to Constrain FeedbackHenry, Alaina L.NANA--0
3117551Unlocking the Stellar Treasure Trove: A Legacy Library of Stellar Hosts' Heterogeneities, Activity, and Spectral Contributions from HST Exoplanet DataRackham, Benjamin NANA--0
3117546The Local Gaseous Cosmic WebWakker, Bart P.NANA--0
3017059A complete, uniform, and astrometrically calibrated optical image library of all debris disk stars targeted with HST coronagraphyKalas, Paul GeorgeNANA--0
3017032An Archival Far-Ultraviolet Legacy Survey of the GOODS and COSMOS Fields: Completing the Census of the UV SkySiana, Brian NANA--0
3017031Investigating Sulfur Abundances and Distributions in UV Comet ObservationsNoonan, John WNANA--0
3017026The Local Group legacy database of HST photometrySavino, Alessandro NANA--0
2916634Sculpting Hubble's Exoplanet Legacy: A Comprehensive Uniform Dataset of Exoplanet Transmission SpectraSing, David K.NANA--0
2916623Feasting on the Riches of Odysseus' VoyageLeitherer, Claus NANA--0
2916621SUPERCAL: Unified Reprocessing of the Large HST Cosmology Survey Fields - New Science, Archival Legacy, and Pathfinder for JWSTKoekemoer, Anton M.NANA--0
2916602The LMC's Galactic Wind through the Eyes of ULLYSESBarger, Kat ANANA--0
2816138Constraining the masses of galaxy overdensities at z > 1 in CANDELS and COSMOS through weak lensing in the NIRLee, Bomee NANA--0
2816133A Comprehensive Investigation of Gas-Phase Element Abundances and Extinction by Dust in the Large and Small Magellanic CloudsJenkins, Edward B.NANA--0
2816129Outflows and Disks around Young Stars: Synergies for the Exploration of Ullyses Spectra (ODYSSEUS)Herczeg, Gregory J.NANA--0
2715810SKY-SURF: Panchromatic constraints on the Extragalactic Background Light and Zodical Light sources through all-sky foreground measurementsWindhorst, Rogier A.NANA--0
2715809Probing the epoch of reionization with the fossil record of nearby dwarf galaxiesWetzel, Andrew NANA--0
2715800A subgrid model for simulating the unresolved microphysics in the circumgalactic mediumHummels, Cameron NANA--0
2615635Recovering Stellar Lyman alpha and O I Emission Line Profiles from Airglow-Dominated COS Spectra of Cool Dwarf StarsYoungblood, Allison NANA--0
2615634A Comprehensive Study of Multiphase Gas in Absorption-Selected Galaxy HalosLehner, Nicolas NANA--0
2615633The stellar dream team: Combining HST and Gaia to derive precise Proper Motions of resolved stellar populations.del Pino Molina, Andres NANA--1
2615632Expanding HST's Astrometry Legacy: A Comprehensive Astrometric Calibration of WFPC2Casetti, Dana IoanaNANA--0
2615631Physically Consistent Galaxy Stellar Masses and Star Formation Rates From z=0 to z=10Behroozi, Peter NANA--1
2515027Completing the Legacy of Hubble's Wide/Deep Fields: An Aligned Complete Dataset of 1220 Orbits on the GOODS-N/CANDELS-N RegionIllingworth, Garth D.NANA--0
2515018Plasma simulations that meet the challenges of HST & JWST Active Nuclei & Starburst observationsFerland, Gary J.NANA--0
2414557Measuring the Star Formation History of the Local UniverseConroy, Charlie NANA--0
2414556Cloudy as a Shock Modeling Code: Utility for HST, & Looking out to JWSTChatzikos, Marios NANA--0
2414553Grizli: The Grism redshift & Line Database for HST WFC3/IR SpectroscopyBrammer, Gabriel NANA--0
2314306Enhancing the Frontier Field Legacy by Combining the Power of HST and the Jansky VLAMurphy, Eric J.NANA--0
2314302A Legacy Archive Program Providing Optical/NIR-selected Multiwavelength Catalogs and High-level Science Products of the HST Frontier FieldsMarchesini, Danilo NANA--2
2314280Breaking Cosmic Dawn: Observing the z>~7 Universe Through Cosmic TelescopesBradac, Marusa NANA--2
2213914What AGN revergeration maps tell us: plasma simulations of dense accreting gasFerland, Gary J.NANA--0
2213907Maximizing the Impact of CANDELS: Rest-frame Optical Spectroscopy of 2000 Galaxies at 1.4Kriek, Mariska NANA--6
2213902The Lightcurve Legacy of COS and STISEly, Justin NANA--0
2213901A Legacy Magellanic Clouds Star Clusters Sample for the Calibration of Stellar Evolution ModelsFouesneau, Morgan NANA--1
2113272Proper Motions of Distant Halo Stars: New Clues to Milky Way Structure, Evolution and Massvan der Marel, Roeland P.NANA--0
2113252High level science products from deep ACS and WFC3/IR imaging over the CDF-S/GOODS-S regionIllingworth, Garth D.NANA-https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/hlf/27
2012857A homogeneous ACS dataset for realistic galaxy simulationsMandelbaum, Rachel NANA--1
2012856An Astrostatistical Approach to Distant Galaxy MorphologyLotz, Jennifer NANA--13
2012854A COS Legacy Study of Circumgalactic BaryonsLehner, Nicolas NANA--2
2012851Light Echoes of Supernovae and other Transients in M31Rest, Armin NANA--0
1912652Exoplanet Search in the HST NICMOS coronagraphic archiveSoummer, Remi NANA-https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/alice/10
1912648Characterization and Modeling of Mass Segregation and Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Globular Clustersvan der Marel, Roeland P.NANA--0
1912636Galaxy Evolution Studies from High Precision Panchromatic Photometry of Hubble and Spitzer Survey FieldsMobasher, Bahram NANA--0
1912629Restoring the POS mode Astrometric Precision of FGS-1r and a Definitive Velocity Dispersion for M35Benedict, George FritzNANA--2
1812142The Planet Pipeline: data curation and mining of Solar System images from WFPC2Mutchler, Max NANA-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/planetpipeline/0
1812132PRONOUNCED - Polarimetry Reduction Of NICMOS Observations Using New Calibations and Enhanced DataHines, Dean C.NANA--1
1711773Spectroscopic Archive Legacy Survey of the Cosmic WebShull, J. MichaelNANA--11
1611279A Legacy Archive PSF Library And Circumstellar Environments {LAPLACE} InvestigationSchneider, Glenn NANA-https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/laplace/5
1611262Deepening the Hubble UDF - Constraining the High-z Galaxy Luminosity Function Faint End Slope and ReionizationKoekemoer, Anton M.NANA--0
1611258Removing the herring-bone pattern-noise from *all* STIS Side-2 CCD data: a factor ~3 enhancement in sensitivityJansen, Rolf A.NANAhttp://stis2.sese.asu.edu/In Preparation0
1510987Novel Analysis of Stellar Populations and Constraints on Galaxy EvolutionZaritsky, Dennis NANA--0
1510945Archive of Nearby Galaxies: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle {ANGRRR}Dalcanton, Julianne NANA-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/angrrr/11
1510937Probing the Galaxy Population at z~7-10 Using Archival ACS + NICMOS dataBouwens, Rychard NANA-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/goodsnic/10
1410676The HST Archive Galaxy-scale Gravitational Lens SearchMarshall, Philip J.NANA--5
1410673A Reevaluation of the Cepheid Distance Scale from a Homogeneous Analysis of 22 Galaxies Observed with WFPC2Leonard, Douglas NANA--0
1410665Legacy HST Spectroscopy of the Low Redshift Intergalactic MediumImpey, Chris D.NANA--0
1410638StarCATAyres, Thomas R.NANAhttp://casa.colorado.edu/~ayres/StarCAT/http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/starcat/1
1310318The Legacy HST Data Set of IGM SpectroscopyBechtold, Jill NANAhttp://lithops.as.arizona.edu/~jill/QuasarSpectra/-0
119550CoolCATAyres, Thomas R.NANAhttp://casa.colorado.edu/~ayres/CoolCAT/-0
119540The WFPC2 Archival ParallelsCasertano, Stefano NANA-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/appp/2
119536A New Approach in Studying AGN Intrinsic AbsorbersArav, Nahum NANA--5
119521Star Formation Histories of Local Group GalaxiesDolphin, Andrew EugeneNANA--4
First Cycle for the Program Proposal    Number(s)    Title PI Planned External Orbits* Planned Parallel Orbits* Program Website MAST Website / HLSP Number of Papers Associated with Program

Large Programs

Click on column heading to sort.

First Cycle for the Program Proposal    Number(s)    Title PI Planned External Orbits* Planned Parallel Orbits* Program Website MAST Website / HLSP Number of Refereed Papers Associated with Program
3117517CONTACT: Circumgalactic Observations of Nuv-shifted Transitions Across Cosmic TimeChen, Hsiao-Wen 1330--0
3117470HST-Juno Io Campaign: Connecting Volcanos to the Plasma EnvironmentRetherford, Kurt David1220--0
3017192, 17414The SPACE Program: a Sub-neptune Planetary Atmosphere Characterization ExperimentKreidberg, Laura 2050--0
3017183Hubble Ultraviolet-optical Survey of Transiting Legacy Exoplanets (HUSTLE) treasury programWakeford, Hannah 1220--0
3017147The Parallel Ionizing Emissivity SurveyScarlata, Claudia 0400--0
3017128, 17410Reducing Type Ia Supernova Distance Biases by Separating Reddening and Intrinsic ColorFoley, Ryan 1350--0
3017115The Circumgalactic Medium of Dwarf Galaxy PairsBowen, David V.960--0
3017112A Treasury FUV Survey of the Hottest White DwarfsReindl, Nicole 1300--0
3017093A Systematic Search for Wind-CGM Interactions in Star-forming GalaxiesBorthakur, Sanchayeeta 800--0
3017069The Lyman-alpha and Continuum Origins Survey (LaCOS)Hayes, Matthew James1190--0
2916730Connecting the Smoke to the Fire: Mapping Andromeda's Inner Circumgalactic MediumLehner, Nicolas 1370--0
2916720A combined HST and JWST study of the composition of the faintest trans-Neptunian objects: Testing hypotheses for the formation of the Solar SystemTrilling, David E.990--0
2916701Essential Ultraviolet Stellar Characterization for Cycle 1 JWST Transiting Planet TargetsYoungblood, Allison 1100--1
2916673, 16988, 17407Delivering on the promise of multi-messenger astronomyLevan, Andrew James820--0
2816316GULP: Galaxy UV Legacy ProjectSabbi, Elena 840--1
2816269Tension at the Breaking Point: Uncovering New Physics Through a Two-Rung Distance Ladder Measurement of the Hubble ConstantJones, David Oscar1120--9
2816259, 164433D-DASH: A Wide Field WFC3/IR Survey of COSMOSMomcheva, Ivelina 2590--2
2816196Mapping Gas Flows in AGNs by ReverberationKriss, Gerard A.1980--7
2715936, 16278Flashlights: Many Extremely Magnified Individual Stars as Probes of Dark Matter and Stellar Populations to Redshift z~2Kelly, Patrick 192192--6
2715891, 16235, 16786Scylla: a pure-parallel, multi-headed attack on dust evolution and star formation in ULLYSES galaxiesMurray, Claire E.0500--3
2715889, 16234Supernovae in the Infrared avec HubbleJha, Saurabh W.770--3
2715888, 16359A pure-parallel search for faint stuff in star forming regionsGuenther, Hans Moritz-10110--1
2715880METAL-Z: Metal Evolution, Transport, and Abundance at Low Metallicity (Z)Roman-Duval, Julia Christine770--1
2715875, 16358Securing the Absolute Scale for the IR-TRGB Distance LadderBeaton, Rachael L049--1
2615664, 15980New insights from gravitational waves combined with electromagnetic lightLevan, Andrew James900--2
2615656QuaStar: The first unobscured view of the Milky Way's Circumgalactic MediumPeek, Joshua 730--1
2615642An Independent Determination of the Hubble ConstantFreedman, Wendy L.540--3
2615640The Search for New Physics Amid the Hubble Constant TensionRiess, Adam 1100--8
2615637Exploring the gaseous surroundings of low-mass galaxies with an HST+MUSE Deep FieldRafelski, Marc 900--4
2615626The Low-Redshift Lyman Continuum SurveyJaskot, Anne 1340--10
2515333The Atmospheric Diversity of Mini-Neptunes in Multi-planet SystemsCrossfield, Ian 1250--8
2515304Collecting the Puzzle Pieces: Completing HST's UV+NIR Survey of the TRAPPIST-1 System ahead of JWSTde Wit, Julien 1140--5
2515287The Path Forward for Lyman-Continuum Studies at z~3Shapley, Alice E.870--7
2515238The IMF to Planetary Masses Across the Milky WayKraus, Adam L.1320--1
2515213, 15683A Pure Parallel survey of the colors of small trans-Neptunian objects to constrain the collisional history of the Outer Solar SystemTrilling, David E.0150--1
2515212, 16005The brightest galaxies in the first 700 Myr: Building Hubble's legacy of large area IR imaging for JWST and beyondTrenti, Michele 0530--5
2515196How Do Inflows and Outflows from Galaxies Create Their Inner Circumgalactic Medium?Bowen, David V.9114--1
2515163COS Ultraviolet Baryon Survey (CUBS)Chen, Hsiao-Wen 169145--7
2515145The Hubble Constant to 1%: Physics beyond LambdaCDMRiess, Adam 1680--12
2515096, 15491The end of the White Dwarf Cooling Sequence of NGC 6752Bedin, Luigi R.8080--7
2414808, 15363SUbaru Supernovae with Hubble Infrared (SUSHI)Suzuki, Nao 960--4
2414784HAZMAT: Habitable Zones and M dwarf Activity across TimeShkolnik, Evgenya L.1300--8
2414682A Search for Methane, Ammonia, and Water on Two Habitable Zone Super-EarthsBenneke, Bjorn 780--11
2414675Metal Evolution and TrAnsport in the Large Magellanic Cloud (METAL): Probing Dust Evolution in Star Forming GalaxiesRoman-Duval, Julia Christine1010--8
2414634HST-Juno synergistic approach of Jupiter's magnetosphere and ultraviolet aurorasGrodent, Denis C1510--18
2414610A Legacy Imaging Survey of M33.Dalcanton, Julianne 1080--15
2414594QSAGE: QSO Sightline And Galaxy EvolutionBielby, Rich 960--12
2314268Project AMIGA: Mapping the Circumgalactic Medium of AndromedaLehner, Nicolas 930--7
2314260A Metallicity and Cloud Survey of Exoplanetary Atmospheres Prior to JWSTDeming, Drake 1110--35
2314227The CANDELS Lyman-alpha Emission At Reionization (CLEAR) ExperimentPapovich, Casey 1300--20
2314216RAISIN2: Tracers of cosmic expansion with SN IA in the IRKirshner, Robert P.1000--10
2314181A Snapshot WFC3 IR Survey of Spitzer/Hershel-Identified Protostars in Nearby Molecular CloudsMegeath, Tom 3120--3
2314178WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel Survey: The WISP Deep FieldsMalkan, Matthew A.0520-https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/wisp/7
2314118, 14662The end of the White Dwarf Cooling Sequences of Omega CentauriBedin, Luigi R.1320--10
2314071How are HI Disks Fed? Probing Condensation at the Disk-Halo InterfaceBorthakur, Sanchayeeta 1000--6
2213846The COS Absorption Survey of Baryon Harbors (CASBaH): Probing the Circumgalactic Media of Galaxies from z = 0 to z = 1.5Tripp, Todd M.990--11
2213776Completing The Next Generation Spectral LibraryGregg, Michael D.4500--5
2213767Bright Galaxies at Hubble's Detection Frontier: The redshift z~9-10 BoRG pure-parallel surveyTrenti, Michele 0480-https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/borg/15
2213739Is the First Epoch of Star Formation in Satellite Galaxies Universal? - Part IISkillman, Evan D.8181--6
2213691CHP-II: The Carnegie Hubble Program to Measure Ho to 3% Using Population IIFreedman, Wendy L.132132--25
2213677, 14327See Change: Testing time-varying dark energy with z>1 supernovae and their massive cluster hostsPerlmutter, Saul 1740--27
2213665Exploring the Diversity of Exoplanet Atmospheres in the Super-Earth RegimeBenneke, Bjorn 1190--28
2213633A Kuiper Belt Object for the New Horizons MissionSpencer, John R.1940--2
2113459The Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space {GLASS}Treu, Tommaso L.140140-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/glass/71
2113398A Breakaway from Incremental Science: Full Characterization of the z<1 CGM and Testing Galaxy Evolution TheoryChurchill, Christopher W.1100--22
2113330Mapping the AGN Broad Line Region by ReverberationPeterson, Bradley M1790--24
2013046RAISIN: Tracers of cosmic expansion with SN IA in the IRKirshner, Robert P.1000--41
2013021Revealing the Diversity of Super-Earth AtmospheresBean, Jacob L.600--10
2013003Resolving the Star Formation in Distant GalaxiesGladders, Michael D.1070--23
2012970Completing the Census of Ultracool Brown Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood using HST/WFC3Cushing, Michael C.1250--10
2012911A search for binaries with massive companions in the core of the closest globular cluster M4Bedin, Luigi R.120120--9
2012880The Hubble Constant: Completing HST's Legacy with WFC3Riess, Adam 1142--30
2012870The mass and temperature distribution of accreting white dwarfsGaensicke, Boris T.1630--13
1912603Understanding the Gas Cycle in Galaxies: Probing the Circumgalactic MediumHeckman, Timothy M.11972--25
1912586, 13057, 13463Detecting and Measuring the Masses of Isolated Black Holes and Neutron Stars through Astrometric MicrolensingSahu, Kailash C.190192--8
1912572The Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies Pure Parallel SurveyTrenti, Michele 0260-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/borg17
1912568WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel Survey WISP: A Survey of Star Formation Across Cosmic TimeMalkan, Matthew A.0260-https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/wisp/12
1912549The Formation History of the Ultra-Faint Dwarf GalaxiesBrown, Thomas M.113113-https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/fhufd/15
1912498Did Galaxies Reionize the Universe?Ellis, Richard S.128128--104
1912473An Optical Transmission Spectral Survey of hot-Jupiter Exoplanetary AtmospheresSing, David K.1240--50
1812248How Dwarf Galaxies Got That Way: Mapping Multiphase Gaseous Halos and Galactic Winds Below L*Tumlinson, Jason 1290--41
1812181The Atmospheric Structure of Giant Hot ExoplanetsDeming, Drake 1150--39
1711741Probing Warm-Hot Intergalactic Gas at 0.5 < z < 1.3 with a Blind Survey for O VI, Ne VIII, Mg X, and Si XII Absorption SystemsTripp, Todd M.1370--40
1711704, 12320The Ages of Globular Clusters and the Population II Distance ScaleChaboyer, Brian 1080--4
1711702Search for Very High-z Galaxies with WFC3 Pure ParallelYan, Haojing 0200-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/hippies19
1711700Bright Galaxies at z>7.5 with a WFC3 Pure Parallel SurveyTrenti, Michele 0142-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/borg/23
1711697, 12319, 12668Proper Motion Survey of Classical and SDSS Local Group Dwarf GalaxiesPiatek, Slawomir Stanislaw1100--3
1711696Infrared Survey of Star Formation Across Cosmic TimeMalkan, Matthew A.0250--17
1711677Is 47 Tuc Young? Measuring its White Dwarf Cooling Age and Completing a Hubble LegacyRicher, Harvey B.121121--27
1711644A dynamical-compositional survey of the Kuiper belt: a new window into the formation of the outer solar systemBrown, Michael E1200--10
1711616The Disks, Accretion, and Outflows {DAO} of T Tau starsHerczeg, Gregory J.1110--31
1711598How Galaxies Acquire their Gas: A Map of Multiphase Accretion and Feedback in Gaseous Galaxy HalosTumlinson, Jason 1340--95
1711563, 12007Galaxies at z~7-10 in the Reionization Epoch: Luminosity Functions to <0.2L* from Deep IR Imaging of the HUDF and HUDF05 FieldsIllingworth, Garth D.193192-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/hudf09202
1711359, 11360Panchromatic WFC3 survey of galaxies at intermediate z: Early Release Science program for Wide Field Camera 3.O'Connell, Robert W.2140-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/wfc3ers/254
1611236Did Rare, Large Escape-Fraction Galaxies Reionize the Universe?Teplitz, Harry 117117--2
1611211, 11789An Astrometric Calibration of Population II Distance IndicatorsBenedict, George Fritz1000--4
1611210, 11788The Architecture of Exoplanetary SystemsBenedict, George Fritz1260--5
1611202The Structure of Early-type Galaxies: 0.1-100 Effective RadiiKoopmans, Leon 1580--17
1611178Probing Solar System History with Orbits, Masses, and Colors of Transneptunian BinariesGrundy, Will M.1280--12
1611149Characterizing the Stellar Populations in Lyman-Alpha Emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies at 5.7Egami, Eiichi 570--7
1611142Revealing the Physical Nature of Infrared Luminous Galaxies at 0.3Yan, Lin 1500--9
1611120A Paschen-Alpha Study of Massive Stars and the ISM in the Galactic CenterWang, Q. Daniel1440-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/hpsgc/28
1511082NICMOS Imaging of GOODS: Probing the Evolution of the Earliest Massive Galaxies, Galaxies Beyond Reionization, and the High Redshift Obscured UniverseConselice, Christopher 1800--29
1510889The Nature of the Halos and Thick Disks of Spiral Galaxiesde Jong, Roelof S.128128http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/ghosts/https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/ghosts/14
1510862Comprehensive Auroral Imaging of Jupiter and Saturn during the International Heliophysical YearClarke, John T.1280--49
1510842A Cepheid Distance to the Coma ClusterCook, Kem 190180--6
1510816The Formation History of Andromeda's Extended Metal-Poor HaloBrown, Thomas M.1280-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/andromeda/11
1510802SHOES-Supernovae, HO, for the Equation of State of Dark energyRiess, Adam 208156--16
1410632Searching for galaxies at z>6.5 in the Hubble Ultra Deep FieldStiavelli, Massimo 204204-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/udf05/34
1410610, 10704, 10989Astrometric Masses of Extrasolar Planets and Brown DwarfsBenedict, George Fritz1440--7
1410556Neutral Gas at Redshift z=0.5Turnshek, David A.1090--4
1410551Gamma-Ray Bursts from Start to Finish: A Legacy ApproachKulkarni, Shrinivas R.1010--20
1410505The Onset of Star Formation in the Universe: Constraints from Nearby Isolated Dwarf Galaxies.Gallart, Carme 9797--28
1410496Decelerating and Dustfree: Efficient Dark Energy Studies with Supernovae and ClustersPerlmutter, Saul 2190--59
1310429Streaming Towards Shapley: The Mass of the Richest Galaxy Concentration in the Local UniverseBlakeslee, John P.1140--11
1310424The White Dwarf Cooling Age and Dynamical History of the Metal-Poor Globular Cluster NGC 6397Richer, Harvey B.126126--25
1310265The Formation History of AndromedaBrown, Thomas M.107107-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/andromeda/30
1310226The NICMOS Grism Parallel SurveyMalkan, Matthew A.0280--4
1310222The Next Generation Spectral LibrarySilva, David 4500-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/stisngsl/9
1310189, 10339, 10340PANS-Probing Acceleration Now with SupernovaeRiess, Adam 4200--71
1310182Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Type Ia Supernovae: The Necessity of UV ObservationsFilippenko, Alex V.1520--27
1310176Coronagraphic Survey for Giant Planets Around Nearby Young StarsSong, Inseok 1160--11
1310135Unveiling the Progenitors and Physics of Cosmic ExplosionsKulkarni, Shrinivas R.550--10
1310134The Evolution and Assembly of Galactic Disks: Integrated studies of mass, stars and gas in the Extended Groth StripDavis, Marc 126126--136
129879, 10106An Astrometric Calibration of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity RelationBenedict, George Fritz1100--13
129865The NICMOS Parallel Observing ProgramMalkan, Matthew A.0500--7
129793The Grism-ACS Program for Extragalactic Science {GRAPES}Malhotra, Sangeeta 400http://www.stsci.edu/science/grapes/http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/grapes/50
129750, 10466The Galactic Bulge Deep Field: A Planetary Transit Survey and Very Deep Stellar Mass FunctionSahu, Kailash C.112112--11
129744HST Imaging of Gravitational LensesKochanek, Chris S.1100--105
129728Tracing the History of Cosmic Expansion to z~2 with Type Ia SupernovaeRiess, Adam 600--43
129727Exploration of the SN Ia Hubble Diagram at z > 1.2Perlmutter, Saul 600--22
119500The Evolution of Galaxy Structure from 10, 000 Galaxies with 0.1Rix, Hans-Walter R1250http://www.mpia.de/homes/GEMS/gems.htmhttp://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/gems/133
119453The Age of the Andromeda HaloBrown, Thomas M.1260-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/andromeda/45
119433The Size Distribution of Kuiper Belt BodiesBernstein, Gary 1250-http://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/tno/12
119405The Origin of Gamma-Ray BurstsFruchter, Andrew S.1450--33
119401The ACS Virgo Cluster SurveyCote, Patrick 1000https://www.astrosci.ca/users/VCSFCS/Home.html-202
119382A Large Targeted Survey for z < 1.6 Damped Lyman Alpha Lines in SDSS QSO MgII-FeII SystemsRao, Sandhya M.1180--9
119352The Deceleration Test from Treasury Type Ia Supernovae at Redshifts 1.2 to 1.6Riess, Adam 1340--52
First Cycle for the Program Proposal    Number(s)    Title PI Planned External Orbits* Planned Parallel Orbits* Program Website MAST Website / HLSP Number of Papers Associated with Program