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Service Outage

On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

Downloading High-Level Science Products from MAST

MAST has archived several sets of High-Level Science Products on spinning disk in an anonymous ftp area on Users may also download the data from several browser interfaces. Currently, a few of the High-Level Science Products are not stored in the anonymous ftp site, but these may be moved into this area over time.

MAST does not archive all of the HLSP listed on the HLSP page, but includes links to the off-site websites. Obviously, these instructions are not pertinent to those "off-site" HLSP.

Downloading Via Anonymous FTP

If you would like to download an entire set of HLSP, the most efficient method might be to download the data via anonymous ftp. In general follow this procedure:

(logon as anonymous)
cd pub/hlsp

In general, the HLSP are stored in subdirectories in the hlsp directories. A few sets of HLSP - the Hubble Deep Field, the Hubble Deep Field South, Helix Nebula, the Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebula, and the Medium Deep Survey are in subdirectories under the pub directory.

Downloading via Browser

The pub area has been set up so that you may display the contents of an ftp directory in a browser. For instance, to see the entire set of products for the GOODS Version 1.0 you would use the url: By using ftp rather than http, you should get a dialog box when you click on the file you wish to download. If you use http, then you will need to right click on the file name to see the download options.

Finding High-Level Science Products

Users who use the HLSP search interface will have a list of products meeting their search criteria displayed in the browser window. Clicking on the filename in the display will bring up a dialog box to download the file to your computer. A similar interface is available from the Web searches for HST, FUSE, IUE and EUVE. A column labeled High-Level Science Products is displayed in the search results page. Click on the number, which represents the number of HLSP associated with the observation, to see a list of the associated HLSP. Clicking on the filename will bring up a dialog box to permit a file download.