Next: 5.1 Reading Low Dispersion
Previous: 4.2 MXHI Files
The routines described below allow the user to begin the analysis of
IUESIPS slit-integrated extracted files. Due to the variations in the
IUESIPS software over the lifetime of the mission, there are a number of
corrections specific to IUESIPS data that are addressed in this chapter.
Calibrations and sensitivity corrections are covered as well. Note that
these steps are already taken care of with NEWSIPS data and the user need
not worry about them. See Section 4.1 for instructions on how to
read MXLO data.
Many of these routines use or
create four
arrays designated as H, W, F, Q,
which have the following meanings:
- H
- A
scale factor record (an integer vector, e.g., as returned by IUESPEC).
- W
- Wavelengths, (Å possibly non-linear.
- F
- Slit-integrated flux at each wavelength
(erg cm-2 s-1 Å-1 ). If the data are
not calibrated, the units are ``flux numbers''.
- Q
- Data quality
flags associated with each wavelength.
The exposure time is required to apply the absolute calibration. The IUEDAC
procedures interactively query the user for the exposure time, rather than
rely on the exposure time contained in the IUE label. In some instances
(e.g., if you submit a batch job), you cannot enter
values interactively. The IUEDAC procedure, HFIX, allows you
to enter and store corrected values of the
exposure time and other information
in advance of the actual reduction step.
HFIX displays the first ten lines of the label, and asks you to
verify the exposure time, giving you the opportunity to change it. The
THDA (as stored in the header) is also displayed, and you will be asked whether
you want to change the value, and if you would like the correction to
be applied. Please note that only the LWR degradation correction has been
implemented at this writing.
Next: 5.1 Reading Low Dispersion
Previous: 4.2 MXHI Files