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Ahmad, I.A., "Echelle Ripple Function Determination," NASA IUE Newsletter,
May 1981, No. 14, pp. 129-142

Ake, T.B., "Towards an Improved High Dispersion Ripple Correction," NASA 
IUE Newsletter, September 1981, No. 15, pp. 60-69

_______, "IUE Camera Sensitivities and the Echelle Ripple Correction
NASA IUE Newsletter, July 1982, No. 19, pp. 37-47

Ayres, T., in Minutes of the Meeting of the International Ultraviolet Explorer
Users Committee, September 26 and 27, 1983, Computer Sciences Corporation, 
CSC/TM-83/6205, January 1984, pp. 15,18

Bianchi, L., "Background Subtraction and Order Overlap Correction for IUE High
Resolution Spectra," IUE Data Reduction, W.W. Weiss et al., ed. Vienna,
Austria:  Austrian Solar and Space Agency, 1980, pp. 161-166

Bianchi, L., and Bohlin, R.C., "Photometric Calibration of the IUE X.
Quantification of the High Dispersion Order Overlap Problem for SWP," NASA 
IUE Newsletter, January 1983, No. 20, pp. 17-27

Bianchi, L., Northover, K.J.E., and Clavel, J., IUE + VILSPA Users Guide
Volume II. Image Processing, 1982

Boggess, A. et al., "The IUE Spacecraft and Instrumentation," Nature,
October 1978, vol. 275, p. 377

Bohlin, R.C., and Holm, A.V., "Photometric Calibration of the IUE VIII.  
Comprehensive Revision to the IUE Absolute Calibration in Low Dispersion," 
NASA IUE Newsletter, June 1980, No. 10, pp. 37-44

Bohlin, R.C., Holm, A.V., Savage, B.D., Snijders, M.A.J., and Sparks, W.M.,
"Photometric Calibration of the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE):  Low 
Dispersion," Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1980, vol. 85, pp. 1-13

Bohlin, R.C., Lindler, D.J., and Turnrose, B.E., "IUE Data Reduction XIX.  
Results of Basic Improvements to the Extraction of Spectra from IUE Low 
Dispersion Images," NASA IUE Newsletter, January 1981, No. 12, pp. 9-26

Bohlin, R.C., and Turnrose, B.E., "IUE Data Reduction XXV.  Implementation
of Basic Improvements to Extraction of High Dispersion Spectra," NASA IUE
Newsletter, March 1982, No. 18, pp. 29-44

Cassatella, A., and Barbero, J. "PSF at Low Resolution," Report to the IUE
Three-Agency Coordination Meeting, March 1983

Cassatella, A., Barbero, J., and Benvenuti, P., "On the IUE Point Spread
Function at Low Resolution," ESA IUE Newsletter, December 1983, No. 18,
pp. 38-69

Cassatella, A., and Harris, A.W., "Revision of the Absolute Calibration of the
LWP Camera in Low Dispersion," NASA IUE Newsletter, December 1983, No. 23,
pp. 21-22

Cassatella, A., and Martin T., "The Point Spread Function for IUE High
Dispersion Spectra," Report to IUE Three-Agency Coordination Meeting, 
September 1982

Cassatella, A., Martin, T., and Ponz, D., "Point Spread Function in High 
Resolution," Report to IUE Three-Agency Coordination Meeting, October 1981

Cassatella, A., and Penston, M., ESA IUE Internal Memo MP/cr-116, 1978

Cassatella, A., Ponz, O., and Selvelli, P.L., "On the Absolute Calibration of 
IUE High Resolution Spectra," NASA IUE Newsletter, May 1981, No. 14,
pp. 170-186

______________, "Absolute Calibration of the IUE High Resolution 
Spectra: Changes with the new software," ESA IUE Newsletter, November 1982,
No. 15, pp. 43-51

de Boer, K.S., and Meade, M.R., "IUE Data Reduction XXII.  Washburn Extraction
Routine and Width of the Point Spread Function in Low Dispersion non-GEOM IUE 
Images," NASA IUE Newsletter, September 1981, No. 15, pp. 53-56

de Boer, K.S., Preussner, P.R., and Grewing, M., "The Width of Echelle Orders
in IUE Images as Derived with the Astronomical Image Display and Analysis 
(AIDA) in Tubingen," Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1982, vol. 115, p. 128,
(see also NASA IUE Newsletter, No. 20, pp. 15-16)

De La Pena, M. and Ayres, T., "Calibration of Wavelengths and Absolute Fluxes 
in SWP Echelle Spectra," in Future of Ultraviolet Astronomy Based on Six Years
of IUE Research, Goddard Space Flight Center 1984 (in preparation)

Evans, N.R., and Imhoff, C.L., Private communication, (in preparation, NASA
IUE Newsletter), 1984

Gass, J.E., and Thompson, R.W., (in preparation) 1984

Goddard Space Flight Center, System Design Report for the International
Ultraviolet Explorer, IUE-401-76-099, August 1976

Harvel, C.A., "IUE Data Reduction XVI.  Orbital Velocity Corrections," 
NASA IUE Newsletter, June 1980, No. 10, pp. 32-36

Harvel, C.A., Turnrose, B.E., and Bohlin, R.C., "IUE Data Reduction III.
Accuracy of Low Dispersion Wavelengths," NASA IUE Newsletter, July 1979,
No. 5

Heckathorn, J.N., "Study of the Accuracy of Wavelengths," in Minutes of the
Meeting of the International Ultraviolet Explorer Users' Committee,
September 26 and 27, 1983, Computer Sciences Corporation, CSC/TM-83/6205, 
January 1984, pp. 14-15, 60-65, Appendix H

Holm, A.V., "An Update on the SWP ITF Problem," NASA IUE Newsletter,
November 1979, No. 7, pp. 30-39

_____, "SWP ITF Extension," NASA IUE Newsletter,
September 1981, No. 15, pp. 70-73

______, "The IUE Status," NASA IUE Newsletter, March 1982,
No. 18, pp. 10-16

Holm, A.V., and Panek, R.J., "Photometric Consequences of the Microphonic
Avoidance Technique," NASA IUE Newsletter, March 1982, No. 18, pp. 56-61

Imhoff, C.L., "Preliminary Results on the Comparative Resolutions of the LWR
and LWP Cameras", in Minutes of the Meeting of the International Ultraviolet
Explorer Users' Committee September 27 and 28, 1982, Computer Sciences 
Corporation, CSC/TM-82/6211, October 1982, Appendix P

______, "Progress Report:  A Review of the Results on IUE 
Spectra Point-Spread Functions," in Minutes of the Meeting of the 
International Ultraviolet Explorer Users' Committee, March 21 and 22, 1983,
Computer Sciences Corporation, CSC/TM-83/6056, April 1983, Appendix K

______, "A Progress Report:  The Point-Spread Functions of the 
Platinum Lines with the New High Dispersion Processing Software," in Record
of the International Ultraviolet Explorer NASA/ESA/SERC Three Agency 
Coordination Meeting, October 3,4, and 5, 1983, Computer Sciences 
Corporation, CSC/TM-84/6042, March 1984, pp. A139-A148 (1984a)

______  "The LWP Camera:  Getting to Know You," NASA IUE Newsletter,
June 1984, No. 24, pp. 21-23 (1984b)

______, Private Communication, 1984c.

Koornneef, J., and de Boer, K.S., "An Alternative Extraction Procedure for IUE 
Spectra: Preliminary Results," NASA IUE Newsletter July 1979, No. 5

Lindler, D.J., Low Dispersion Data Extraction Software Design Report,
Andrulis Research Corporation, TR 25639-2, June 1979

_______, PHOTOM Final Design Report, Andrulis Research Corporation, 
TR-ARC-027-21, February 1982a

_______, SPECHI Final Design Report, Andrulis Research Corporation,
TR-ARC-027-21, February 1982b

_______, POSTHI Final Design Report, Andrulis Research Corporation,
TR-ARC-027-21, February 1982c

Northover, K.J.E., "Algorithms for Correcting Microphonics," IUE Data
Reduction, W.W. Weiss et al. ed. Vienna, Austria:  Austrian Solar and Space 
Agency, pp. 61-73, 1980

Oliver, M., Settle, J., Shuttleworth, T., and Sandford, M., "Report to the 
_, gency Committee on IUE Image Processing," IUE Technical Note No. 44,
Appleton Laboratory, University College London, March 1979

Oliversen, N.A., "SWP and LWR Linearity Error Reports", in Minutes of the
Meeting of the IUE Users' Committee, September 26 and 27, 1983, Computer 
Sciences Corporation, CSC/TM-83/6205, January 1984, pp. 29-30 (1984a)

_______, "Linearity Error Report for the LWP, LWR, and SWP 
NASA IUE Newsletter, June 1984, No. 24, pp. 27-41 (1984b)

Panek, R.J., "Recommended Dimensions for Calibration of Trailed Spectra and 
Spectra of Extended Objects," NASA IUE Newsletter, March 1982, No. 18, p. 68  

______, "Geometrical Characteristics of Low Dispersion Spectra," in
Minutes of the Meeting of the International Ultraviolet Explorer Users'
Committee, September 27 and 28, 1982, Computer Sciences Corporation, 
CSC/TM-82/6211, October 1982, Appendix H (1982b)

Panek, R.J., and Schiffer, F.H., "Characteristics of the LWR Microphonic 
'Pings' and a Technique for their Removal from Spectral Images," in 
Minutes of the Meeting of the International Ultraviolet Explorer Users'
Committee, September 14 and 15, 1981, Computer Sciences Corporation, 
November 1981, Appendix H

Penston, M., "Resolution Using Large and Small Apertures at High Dispersion", 
Report to IUE Three-Agency Coordination Meeting, March 1979

Perry, P.M. and Turnrose, B.E., IUE Image Processing Overview and
Mathematical Description, Computer Sciences Corporation, 
CSC/TM-77/6250, October 1977

Ponz, J.D., in ESA IUE Newsletter, October 1980, No. 8, pp. 12-14 (1980a)

_____  "Bright Spot Detection on IUE Images," IUE Data Reduction, 
W.W. Weiss et al., ed. Vienna, Austria:  Austrian Solar and Space 
Agency, pp. 75-83, 1980 (1980b)

Ponz, J.D., and Cassatella, A., "PSF of IUE Low Dispersion Spectra," Report to 
IUE Three-Agency Coordination Meeting, May 1981

Schiffer, F.H., "Order Width in High Dispersion", Report to IUE Three-Agency
Coordination Meeting, November 1980

________, Private communication, 1982

Stone, D.F., "Chronology of Modification to IUESIPS Output Products," 
NASA IUE Newsletter, May 1983, No. 21, pp. 15-38

Thomason, F. and Cheng, C., "IUE Image Header Format", Goddard Space Flight 
Center, IUE 513-77-106, February 1978

Thompson, R.W., "Results of Low and High Dispersion Residual Curvature 
Analysis," in Minutes of the Meeting of the International Ultraviolet 
Explorer Users' Committee, September 27 and 28, 1982, Computer Sciences 
Corporation, CSC/TM-82/6211, October 1982, pp. 21-22, 68-72

______,  "Analysis of IUE Reseau Motion," in Minutes of the Meeting of 
the International Ultraviolet Explorer Users' Committee, March 21
and March 22, 1983, Computer Sciences Corporation, CSC/TM-83/6056, 
April 1983, Appendix J (1983a)

_______, "IUE Data Reduction XXXII.  Temperature Correction of LWP
Dispersion Constants, NASA IUE Newsletter, May 1983, No. 21, pp. 39-42 

_______,  "Monitoring of Spectral Format Shifts," in Minutes of the 
Meeting of the International Ultraviolet Explorer Users' Committee
September 26 and 27, 1983, Computer Sciences Corporation, CSC/TM-83/6205, 
January 1984, Appendix I (1984a)

______,  "Analysis of IUE Reseau Motion," in Record of the International
Ultraviolet Explorer NASA/ESA/SERC Three Agency Coordination Meeting,
October 3,4, and 5, 1983, Computer Sciences Corporation, CSC/TM-84/6042, 
March 1984, pp. A268-A273 (1984b)

______, "Low Dispersion Spectral Reseau Motion and Residual Curvature," in 
Minutes of the Meeting of the International Ultraviolet Explorer Users'
Committee, April 2 and 3, 1984, Computer Sciences Corporation, 
CSC/TM-84/6109, July 1984, Appendix G (1984c)

______, "IUE Regional Data Analysis Facilities Bulletin No. 2 -
Using the IUESIPS Configuration Entries," NASA IUE Newsletter, September 
1984, No. 25, pp. 1-39 (1984d)

Thompson, R.W. and Bohlin, R.C., "IUE Data Reduction XXVI.  Automatic 
Registration of the Extraction Slit with the Spectral Format," NASA IUE
Newsletter, March 1982, No. 18, pp. 45-50

Thompson, R.W., Bohlin, R.C., Turnrose, B.E. and Harvel, C.A., "IUE Data 
Data Reduction XVII.  Mean Reseaux and Dispersion Constants," NASA IUE 
Newsletter, October 1980, No. 11, pp. 10-27

Thompson, R.W. and Turnrose, B.E., "IUE Data Reduction XXX.  Implementation
of New Dispersion Constants, NASA IUE Newsletter, January 1983, No. 20, 
pp. 34-51

Thompson, R.W., Turnrose, B.E., and Bohlin, R.C., "IUE Data Reduction:  The 
Parameterization of the Motion of the IUE Reseau Grids and Spectral Formats as 
a Function of Time and Temperature," Astronomy and Astrophysics, January 1982,
vol. 107, pp.11-22 (same as NASA IUE Newsletter No. 15, p. 8) (1982a)

_______, "IUE Data Reduction XXVII.  Improvements to the Visibility of
Spectral Features on IUE Photowrites," NASA IUE Newsletter, March 1982,
No. 18, pp. 51-55 (1982b)

Turnrose, B.E., "IUE Data Reduction XIV.  Properties of the Upper Levels of 
the Intensity Transfer Functions:  Extracted DN Values Relevant to Low 
Dispersion Spectra," NASA IUE Newsletter, April 1980, No. 9, pp. 13-18

________, "IUE Data Reduction XXXI.  Improved LWP Large-Aperture
Offset," NASA IUE Newsletter, January 1983, No. 20, pp. 52-55

Turnrose, B.E. and Bohlin, R.C., "IUE Data Reduction XX.  High Dispersion Line
Libraries," NASA IUE Newsletter, January 1981, No. 13

Turnrose, B.E., Bohlin, R.C., and Harvel, C.A., "IUE Data Reduction X.  
Planned Changes to the Background Smoothing Algorithm," NASA IUE Newsletter,
November 1979, No. 7, pp. 9-16

________, "IUE Data Reduction XII.  Absolute Calibration of Low 
Dispersion Spectra, NASA IUE Newsletter, February 1980, No. 8, pp. 28-31

Turnrose, B.E., Bohlin, R.C., Holm, A.V., and Harvel, C.A., "IUE Data 
Reduction V.  Wavelength Assignments for Large Aperture Spectra," NASA IUE
Newsletter, September 1979, No. 6, pp. 180-186

Turnrose, B.E., Bohlin, R.C., and Lindler, D.J., "IUE Data Reduction XVIII.  
Implementation of New Low Dispersion Software:  Summary of Output Format 
Changes," NASA IUE Newsletter, January 1981, No. 12, pp. 2-8

Turnrose, B.E. and Harvel, C.A., International Ultraviolet Explorer Image
Processing Information Manual, Version 1.0, Computer Sciences Corporation, 
CSC/TM-79/6301, January 1980

_______, "Techniques of Reduction of IUE Data:  Time History of 
IUESIPS Configurations, NASA IUE Newsletter, February 1982, No. 16

Turnrose, B.E., Harvel, C.A., and Mallama, A.D., "Techniques of Reduction of 
IUE Data: Methods for Improving Previous IUESIPS Tape Products," NASA IUE 
Newsletter, February 1982, No. 17, pp. A28-A30

Turnrose, B.E., Harvel, C.A., and Stone, D.F., International Ultraviolet
Explorer Image Processing Manual Version 1.1, Computer Sciences 
Corporation, CSC/TM-81/6268, November 1981

Turnrose, B.E., Thompson, R.W., and Bohlin, R.C., "IUE Data Reduction XXIV.  
Implementation of New High Dispersion Software:  Summary of Output Format 
Changes," NASA IUE Newsletter, March 1982, No. 18, pp. 21-28

Turnrose, B.E., Thompson, R.W., and Gass, J.E., "Techniques of Reduction of 
IUE Data:  Time History of IUESIPS Configurations, " NASA IUE Newsletter,
September 1984, No. 25, pp. 40ff

Whitman, W.R., Bohlin, R.C., and Turnrose, B.E., "IUE Data Reduction XXIII.  
Further Modifications to the Extrapolation of the Intensity Transfer 
Function," NASA IUE Newsletter, September 1981, No. 15, pp. 57-59

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