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A brief summary of the modifications to IUESIPS (through 31 March 1983) which have had an effect on the output products comprising the GO Data Package at GSFC and VILSPA is contained in Stone (1983). Updates to this chronological listing of changes at GSFC will be published periodically in the NASA IUE Newsletter and will include VILSPA information as it is available.

A detailed description of the evolution of IUESIPS and its magnetic tape products (through 31 March 1981) is contained in Turnrose and Harvel (1982). That document contains quantitative assessments of IUESIPS modifications and cross references to other relevant documentation. A companion volume of methods for bringing previously reduced IUE data up to a state approximating the then-current IUESIPS standards is contained in Turnrose, Harvel and Mallama (1982).

An updated detailed description of modifications over the entire period from April 3, 1978 through December 31, 1983 is contained in Turnrose, Thompson, and Gass (1984). Continuing updates to these detailed descriptions of system changes are planned for inclusion in future NASA IUE Newsletters, as appropriate. See also Thompson (1984d), which describes the online system at the GSFC IUE Regional Data Analysis Facility for sorting and identifying the detailed IUESIPS histories.

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