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HUT Papers from the Astro-2 Mission

    Journal Publications

  • Bi, H. and Davidsen, A.F. (1997). Evolution of Structure in the Intergalactic Medium and the Nature of the Ly-a Forest, ApJ, 479, 523.
  • Birriel, J.J., Espey, B.R. & Schulte-Ladbeck, R.E. (1998). Near Simultaneous Observations of Direct and Raman Scattered Lines in the Symbiotic Star Z Andromedae, ApJL, in press.
  • Blair, W. P., Raymond, J. C., Long, K. S., and Kriss, G. A. (1995). A Far Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Puppis A Supernova Remnant Using the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJL, 454, L35.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript]
  • Blair, W. P., Long, K. S., and Raymond, J. C. (1996). A Search for Fe III in SN 1006 Using the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJ, 468, 871.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript]
  • Brown, T. M., Ferguson, H. C., and Davidsen, A. F. (1995). Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Observations of Six Elliptical and SO Galaxies, ApJL, 454, L15.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript]
  • Brown, T.M., Ferguson, H.C., and Davidsen, A.F. (1996). A Grid of Model Atmospheres and Synthetic Spectra for the Far Ultraviolet Analysis of Old Stellar Populations, ApJ, 472, 327.
  • Brown, T. M., Ferguson, H. C., Davidsen, A. F. and Dorman, B. (1997). A Far Ultraviolet Analysis of the Stellar Populations in Six Elliptical Galaxies, ApJ, 482, 685.
  • Brown, T. M., Ferguson, H. C., Stanford, S. A. and Deharveng, J-M. (1998). Color-Luminosity Relations for the Resolved Hot Stellar Populations in the Centers of M31 and M32, ApJ, 504, 113.
  • Buss, R. H., Kruk, J. W., and Ferguson, H.C. (1995). New Far-Ultraviolet Intrinsic Spectral Fluxes of Hut Stars and Their Photospheric Temperatures, ApJL, 454, L55.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript, Figure1]
  • Clayton, G., Green, J., Wolff, M. J., Zellner, N. E. B., Code, A. D., Davidsen, A. F., The HUT Team, and The WUPPE Team (1996). Astro-2 Observations of Interstellar Dust and Gas in the Large Magellanic Cloud, ApJ, 460, 313.
  • Davidsen, A.F., Kriss, G.A., and Zheng, W. (1996). A Measurement of the Opacity of Ionized Helium in the Intergalactic Medium, Nature, 380, 47.
  • Dixon, W. V., Davidsen, A. F., and Ferguson, H. C. (1995). Observations of the UV-Bright Star in 47 Tucanae with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJL, 454, L47.
    Abstract:[HTML] Paper: [Postscript]
  • Dixon, W. V., Davidsen, A. F., and Ferguson, H. C. (1996). Discovery of O VI Emission from the Galactic Corona with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJ, 465, 288.
    Abstract:[HTML] Paper: [Postscript]
  • Dixon, W. V., Hurwitz, M., and Ferguson, H. C. (1996). Limits on Far-Ultraviolet Emission from Warm Gas in Clusters of Galaxies with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJ, 469, L77.
  • Espey, B. R., Schulte-Ladbeck, R. E., Kriss, G. A., Hamann, III, R. W., Schmid, H. M., and Johnson, J. J. (1995). Simultaneous Observation of Direct and Raman-scattered O VI lines in the Symbiotic Nova RR Tel, ApJL, 454, L61.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript, Figure1a, Figure1b, Figure2]
  • Espey, B. R., Keenan, F. P., McKenna, F. C., Feibelman, W. A., and Aggarwal, K. M. (1996). Ne V and Ne VI Lines in the Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Symbiotic Star RR Telescopii, ApJ, 465, 965.
    Abstract: [HTML]
    Paper: [Postscript, Tab1, Tab2, Tab3, Tab4, Tab5, Fig1, Fig2, Fig3, Fig4, Fig5, Fig6, Fig7 ]
  • Ferguson, H. C., Dixon, W. V., Davidsen, A. F., and Dettmar, R.-J. (1995). A Search for Far-UV Emission Lines from Diffuse Hot Gas in the Halo of NGC 4631, ApJL, 454, L23.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript]
  • Gonzalez-Delgado, R. M., Leitherer, C., Heckman, T.,Lowenthal, J. D., Ferguson, H. C., and Robert, C. (1998). Far-Ultraviolet Spectra of Starburst Galaxies: Stellar Population and the Kinematics of the Interstellar Medium, ApJ, 495, 698.
  • Gonzalez-Delgado, R. M., Leitherer, C. and Heckman, T. (1997). O VI + LyB + C II From Starburst and Post-Starburst Galaxies I. Stellar Library and Evolutionary Synthesis Profiles ApJ, 489, 601.
  • Greeley, B. W., Blair, W. P., and Long, K. S. (1995). Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Observations of Nova Circini 1995 and Nova Aquilae, ApJL, 454, L43.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript]
  • Greeley, B.W., Blair, W.P., Long, K.S., and Knigge, C. (1997). The Far-Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Intermediate Polar EX Hya, ApJ, 488, 419.
  • Greeley, B. W., Blair, W. P., Long, K. S., and Raymond, J. C. (1998). The Far-Ultraviolet Spectrum and Short Timescale Variability of AM Herculis from Observations with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJ, in press.
  • Grimes, J. P., Kriss, G. A., and Espey, B. R. (1998). Spatially Resolved Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Spectra of NGC 1068, ApJ, submitted.
  • Henry, R. C., Feldman, P. D., Kruk, J. W., Davidsen, A. F., and Durrance, S. T. (1995). Ultraviolet Albedo of the Moon with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJL, 454, L69.
    Abstract: [HTML]
  • Hurwitz, M., Jelinsky, P. and Dixon, W. V. (1997). Reexamining the Lyman Continuum ib Starburst Galaxies Observed with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJL, 481, L31.
  • Knigge, C., Long, K.S., Blair, W.P., and Wade, R.A. (1997). Disks, Winds, and Veiling Curtains: Dissecting the Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Dwarf Nova Z Cam in Outburst, ApJ, 467, 291.
  • Koester, D., Finley, D. S., Allard, N. F., Kruk, J. W., and Kimble, R. A. (1996). Quasi-Molecular Satellites of Lyman Beta in the Spectrum of the DA White Dwarf Wolf 1346, ApJ, 463, L93.
  • Kriss, G. A., Davidsen, A. F., Zheng, W., Kruk, J. W., and Espey, B. R. (1995). The Far-Ultraviolet Spectrum of NGC 4151 as Observed with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope on Astro-2, ApJL, 454, L7.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [HTML] [PostScript, Figure 1, Figure 2]
  • Kriss, G. A., Espey, B. R., Krolik, J. H., Tsvetanov, Z., Zheng, W., Davidsen, A. F. (1996). Far-Ultraviolet Observations of NGC 3516 using the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Observations of H_2 Emission from HH2, ApJ, 489, 314.
  • Raymond, J.C., Blair, W.P., Long, K.S., Vancura, O., Edgar, R.J., Morse, J., Hartigan, P., and Sanders, W.T. (1997). The Ultraviolet Spectrum of a Face-on Shock Wave in the Vela Supernova Remnant, ApJ, 482, 881.
  • Schulte-Ladbeck, R. E., Hillier, D. J., and Herald, J. E.(1995). The Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Far-Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Wolf-Rayet Stars, ApJL, 454, L51.
    Paper: [Postscript] ApJ, 467, 622.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [HTML] [PostScript]
  • Kriss, G. A., Krolik, J.H., Otani, c., Espey, B. R., Turner, T. J., Kii, T., Tsvetanov, Z., Takahashi, T., Davidsen, A. F., Tashiro, M., Zheng, W., Murakami, S., Petre, R., & Mihara, T. (1996). ASCA Observations of the Composite Warm Absorber in NGC 3516, ApJ, 467, 629.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [HTML] [PostScript]
  • Kruk, J. W., Durrance, S. T., Kriss, G. A., Davidsen, A. F., Blair, W. P., and Espey, B. R. (1995). Performance and Preliminary Calibration of the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope on the Astro-2 Mission, ApJL, 454, L1.
    Abstract: [ HTML]
    Paper: [ HTML] [PostScript, Fig 1, Fig 2, Fig 3, Fig 4, Fig 5, Fig 6]
  • Kruk, J. W. and Werner, K. (1998). Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of PG1159 Stars with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJ, 502, 858.
  • Kruk, J. W., Brown, T.M., Davidsen, A.F., Espey, B.R., Finley, D.S., and Kriss, G.A. (1998). Final Astro-2 Calibration of the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJ Sup, submitted.
  • Laming, J.M., Raymond, J.C., McLaughlin, B.M., and Blair, W.P. (1996). Electron-Ion Equilibration in Non-radiative Shocks Associated with SN 1006, ApJ, 472, 267.
  • Leitherer, C., Ferguson, H. C., Heckman, T. M., and Lowenthal, J. D. (1995). The Lyman Continuum in Starburst Galaxies Observed with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJL, 454, L19.
    Paper: [Postscript]
  • Long, K.S., Blair, W. P., Hubeny, I., and Raymond, J. C. (1996). Observations of the Dwarf Nova VW Hydri in Quiescence with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJ, 466, 972.
  • Long, K.S., Blair, W. P., and Raymond, J. C. (1995). Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Observations of U Geminorum Far from Outburst, ApJL, 454, L39.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript]
  • Long, K. S., Blair, W. P., Hubeny, I., and Raymond, J. C. (1996). Observations of the Dwarf Nova VW Hydri in Quiescence with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJ, 466, 964.
  • McKenna, F.C., Keenan, F.P., Espey, B.R., and Ramsbottom, C.A. (1998). [Mg VI] in the Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Symbiotic Star RR Telescopii, ApJL, in press.
  • Morrissey, P. F., Feldman, P. D., McGrath, M. A., Wolven, B. C., and Moos, H. W. (1995). The Ultraviolet Reflectivity of Jupiter at 3.5 Resolution from Astro-1 and Astro-2, ApJL, 454, L65.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript Fig 1, Fig 2]
  • Morrissey, P.F., Feldman, P.D., Clarke, J.T., Wolven, B.C., Strobel, D.F., Durrance, S.T., and Trauger, J.T. (1997). Simultaneous Spectroscopy and Imaging of the Jovian Aurora with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope, ApJ, 476, 918.
  • Raymond, J. C., Blair, W. P., and Long, K. S.(1995). A Detection of Ultraviolet Emission Lines in SN1006 with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJL, 454, L31.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript]
  • Raymond, J.C., Blair, W.P., and Long, K.S. (1997). Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Observations of H_2 Emission from HH2, ApJ, 489, 314.
  • Raymond, J.C., Blair, W.P., Long, K.S., Vancura, O., Edgar, R.J., Morse, J., Hartigan, P., and Sanders, W.T. (1997). The Ultraviolet Spectrum of a Face-on Shock Wave in the Vela Supernova Remnant, ApJ, 482, 881.
  • Schulte-Ladbeck, R. E., Hillier, D. J., and Herald, J. E.(1995). The Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Far-Ultraviolet Spectral Atlas of Wolf-Rayet Stars, ApJL, 454, L51.
    Paper: [Postscript]
  • Telfer, R. A., Kriss, G. A., Zheng, W., Davidsen, A. F. and Green, R. F. (1998). The Very Highly Ionized Broad Absorption Line System of the QSO SBS1542+541, ApJ, in press.
  • Walborn, N. R., Long, K. S., Lennon, D. J., and Kudritzki, R.-P. (1995). A Reconnaissance of the 900-1200 Spectra of Early O Stars in the Magellanic Clouds, ApJL, 454, L27.
    Abstract: [HTML]
    Paper: [HTML] [Postscript, Fig 1, Fig 2]
  • Wolven, B.C. and Feldman, P.D. (1998). Self-absorption by Vibrationally Excited H_2 in the Astro-2 Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope Spectrum of the Jovian Aurora, Geophys. Res. Letters, 25, 1537.
  • Zheng, W., Kriss, G. A., and Davidsen, A. F. (1995). Far-Ultraviolet Spectrum of Fairall 9 with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, ApJL, 454, L11.
    Abstract: [HTML] Paper: [Postscript]

There is also a listing of HUT Papers from the Astro-1 Mission