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Service Outage

On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

NASA Data Center Annual Program Plan

NASA Grant Number: NNG05-GF75G
STScI Grant: J1160
Program Year: Reporting period July 2005 through December 2006
Data Center/Service: Multi-mission Archive at Space Telescope (MAST)
(Optical/UV Science Archive Research Center) 
Supporting Organization: Space Telescope Science Institute
3700 San Martin Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218

Overall Mission:  MAST supports active and legacy mission datasets and related catalogs and surveys, focusing primarily on data in the ultraviolet, optical, and near-IR spectral regions. Support includes curation of the data, providing expert support to users of the data, providing access to data-specific calibration and analysis software, providing user support for this software, and maintaining public access interfaces to the data. MAST works with new mission teams in the supported wavelength regions to assist in the development of data management plans, especially in the areas of data formats, descriptive metadata and standardization of keywords, in the development of data access and delivery plans, and assuring data quality control. MAST also works with the VO team in its ongoing program to provide data products, tools, and web services that are VO-compliant.

MAST provides support for users seeking to understand the properties and instrumental signatures of all archived datasets and assistance with the interfaces to browse and retrieve these data. Access to non-HST mission and instrument specific calibration and analysis software and assistance in its use continues on a time-available basis. Full support for HST related software is provided by the MAST Help Desk and staff. IUE "RDAF" package (IDL-based), IUE Final Archive processing software (IRAF port), EUVE analysis software package (IRAF-based), Copernicus data analysis software (IDL-based), UIT data reduction/analysis software (FORTRAN, C, and IDL routines), and HUT data reduction software (IRAF-based) are available through MAST.

This report covers data financially supported under the "MAST" contract. Archive and distribution activities for HST data are supported under the HST contract. Some HST statistics are included in this report, but more complete information on HST activities can be found in the STScI Newsletters and in the STSci Annual Reports. Questions about HST can be directed to

MAST Holdings

The MAST archive currently contains data from NASA's Optical/UV missions. In addition to the active GALEX and FUSE missions, MAST archives data from the IUE, EUVE, Copernicus, ASTRO and ORFEUS missions.

During this reporting time period, GALEX received two major data releases, GR2 in mid 2006 and GR3 in December 2006 in addition to several Guest Investigator data releases. For more detail see the section on GALEX.

The FUSE project continued making delivery of newly acquired data throughout the reporting period, although the pace slowed considerably during the time needed for the project to recover from loss of a reaction wheel. The project processed about half of their archive using CALFUSE3.1. The project plans to reprocess the entire archive with newly improved CALFUSE3.2 pipeline. For more detail see the section on FUSE.

During this reporting period MAST began to archive mosaic products from the XMM Optical Monitor instrument. This is done in collaboration with HEASARC, our sister NASA archive. We anticipate that these data will be very useful especially when used with GALEX data.

During this reporting period, MAST also began to archive HPOL data that is complementary/supplementary data to the ASTRO/WUPPE instrument data.

While the main HST archive activities are funded by the project, eventually the HST archive will become part of the MAST archive, so some information about HST related activities are included in some statistics.

A table detailing the MAST holdings is included in Appendix A.

MAST Holdings by volume as of December 31, 2006

MAST holdings without HST/GSC/DSS as of December 31, 2006

Mission Reports

The FUSE project has deployed its CalFUSE 3.1 pipeline and has reprocessed most of the archival files as well as products for recent observations. MAST revised its help file for the retrieval page to list the significant differences between CalFUSE v3 and older data products. MAST also noted to the Project some of these data mistakenly include zero exposure times and zero fluxes when scientifically valid observations had in fact been taken. Additional problems have been uncovered with incorrect designations of the "aperture" keyword in the v3.1 software, resulting in the archiving of data products with incorrect near zero fluxes. The Project intends to correct these problems, with a final reprocessing effort processed with CalFUSE v3.2, due to start in March, 2007. Delivery of further products had stopped during most of 2005, owing in part to the failure of an instrument reaction wheel late in 2004. With the resumption of operations for objects mainly at high equatorial declinations, deliveries have resumed but have been spotty during the reporting period. We note for completion that the deadline for proposals for the last GO cycle (Cycle 8) occurred in September, 2006. This cycle includes observations for an 18-month period extending from the July, 2007 roughly through calender year 2008. MAST also supports the FUSE Project by providing ingest statistics and usage plots for the annual FUSE Users Group meetings.

The GALEX archive represents the largest mission dataset support by the MAST contract (HST archiving is supported by the HST contract). MAST participates in weekly and monthly telecons with the GALEX project to receive updates on the schedule and contents of data deliveries. During the reporting period, MAST received and distributed deliveries of Guest Investigator (GI) datasets #2-6. By the end of this period most GI program data had gone into the public-access domain. We note that the GI data are of uneven quality and must be stored and accessed through a separate database in order not to mix Survey and GI quality data together when the latter becomes nonproprietary six months following the ingest date. However, most user queries search over the nonproprietary (former) GI as well as the public "survey" datasets. In mid 2006, the Project reprocessed much of the previous GI data with improved software and calibration techniques. This improved some of the (particularly grism) data significantly.

In December 2006, MAST received two of three subdeliveries of the GALEX Release 3. The "GR3" data are processed through the identical pipeline software as GR2 (delivered in early 2006) and over different regions of the sky. (In this sense GR3 may be regarded as supplemental deliveries of GR2.) The GR3 delivery contains new "surveys" such as Calibration and Engineering (CAI) and high-quality, now public GI data (GII). The first imaging delivery of GR3 had been planned to coincide with the Seattle AAS meeting in January, 2007. However the second delivery of the All Sky Survey products was delayed because of concerns about the completeness and integrity of products contained in the data storage transport (NAS) container. (As a consequence, the public release of the final part of the GR3 release, containing the AIS and grism datasets, was delayed until early 2007.)

Since the release of the imaging data, the GALEX data usage (see figure) has had an average usage of over 66,000 datasets per month. A revised Interface Control Document (version 3.2) was drafted to reflect the changed data products of GR2/GR3. For the first time, MAST received and was able to post for the first time summary descriptions of all the data products in these releases.

Several hardware purchases have been made for the GALEX project during the reporting period. These include a server for database development and ingest processing of GALEX data and a new machine which will soon be used to replace the old GALEX webserver for public use. Data storage devices have been purchased to hold data for the GI program, the GR1 survey (EMC device), and to provide workspace for data during the ingest process. A NAS ("MASTNAS") device was purchased and supports the transport of large data deliveries from Caltech.

Over the last three years MAST has developed a GALEX database using Microsoft SQLServer and ASP.NET technology. This technology permits the automated ingest of data, self-documentation, rapid browsing of the entire database structure, including a listing of tables, keywords and procedures used for qualified searches of object classes and listings of all observations. An active helpdesk and a syndicated News page is maintained for user questions pertinent to the database and data useage.

To support the evolving technologies, MAST/GALEX staff have participated in technical training. Shui-Ay Tseng has taken week-long courses on SQLServer 2005 and on web applications using ASP.NET technology. Tony Rogers took a summer training course on VO tools and applications.

The MAST/GALEX group adds several "value added" features to aid astronomers in their research. One of these is to suggest that authors use IAU-style nomenclature ("GALEX +J ", followed by the hexidecimal coordinates) for object names. These names are computed from object positions and stored in the database and exhibited on the Explore pages of these objects. Authors will ideally utilize these object names (not provided by the Project) in their papers, and Simbad will document their observations by GALEX under these names. FAQs and queries on the SQL form web page are periodically written and updated. A Tutorial on the use of the website is routinely updated with each new major (GR) delivery. MAST has also set up an automatically updated website to inform the Mission Scientist at Goddard of the proprietary status of GI programs.

MAST provides direct and indirect services to the GALEX GIs. For example, MAST notifies the GI Mission Science office of programs for which proprietary periods will soon expire. The Office contacts the GIs and asks whether are special reasons that the proprietary periods should be extended. MAST has also worked with the GALEX project to provide GIs with Quality Assurance reports as a part of their dataset as well as updated documentation from the Project on the use of the QA reports. Based upon the Project's recommendation and the Mission Scientist's request, MAST extended the proprietary dates to provide several GIs with a chance to reanalyze their grism data after it was reprocessed with better pipeline software.

MAST continues to communicate with the CHIPS Project concerning their archiving plans. The project plans to transfer the CHIPS dataset to MAST in early 2007. The total data volume will be less than 20 GB.

The projected launch date of this Earth-trailing satellite is November, 2008. MAST supports the planning of the Data Management Center of the Kepler mission through its attendance of local meetings and review of design documentation. During the review period, MAST hosted a series of telecons with Daryl Swade STScI/Kepler Engineer and one member each of the Kepler Team and Science Team. These meeting enabled MAST to understand what requirements would be placed on the archive design (MAST side) and to enable Swade to plan for a project "peer" and Critical Design reviews in January and February, 2006, respectively. Following these reviews, MAST personnel submitted to ESS a detail list of functionalities (CISCs) that it envisioned both for early and late states of the mission. In late 2006, MAST staged an internal website for testing of initial release of the Kepler Input Catalog (KIC) of some 14 million objects in the expected region of the sky. MAST staff created a catalog description webpage, which lists the ranges of the queriable parameters in the KIC, which has been helpful for designing initial test queries. The KIC objects may be viewed (internal use only) in the VOPlot plotting tool. MAST has submitted an initial list of questions concerning ambiguities about the meanings and values of several parameters and source catalogs. The interface and database work was salaried from the STScI Kepler DMC project. Myron Smith attended the Project's Science Team meeting at Ames in April, 2006.
Data from the Wisconsin HPOL project was archived this year. While groundbased, HPOL data is closely related to the WUPPE data already archived by MAST. The basic team members for the WUPPE and HPOL datasets is the same. The project delivered 170MB of data and previews. A basic search interface was constructed. The data are linked to related WUPPE data and vice-versa.

Data Distribution During the Reporting Period

A healthy rate of ingest and retrievals continued duing this reporting period. In general the average number of searches per month increased about 30% during this reporting period over the average from the last reporting period. This increase is probably due to increased use of the VO registered Simple Cone Search web service. The large increase in downloads late 2006 for a number of the missions is due the activities of a single user downloading significant amounts of data.

GALEX retrievals hit a high peak immediately after the GR2 release in June 2006 and maintained a trend of higher level of retrievals through then end of the reporting period. Another peak of activity can be expected upon the release of the GR3 release.

FUSE data was archived into DADS upon receipt from the project. MAST is also building an online cache of the public data so that it will be available via anonymous ftp and easily formatted for access by the VO SSAP service. The cache is being created as the data are reprocessed with the CALFuse3.1 pipeline. The cached data will be replaced as the project reprocesses the data with the CALFuse3.2 pipeline. MAST maintains a searchable database of FUSE proposal abstracts with the associated PIs.

The use of the XMM-OM data is promising. An expected delivery of new and replacement data in 2007, will expand the holdings and the usefulness of the data.

Table of ingest and retrieval activity for reporting period is in Appendix B.

Total number of mission searches, previews and datasets downloaded during the reporting period

The number of datasets downloaded each month per mission during the reporting period.

Number of searches for individual mission data per month

Number of previews downloaded per mission per month

Data Discovery and Search

Virtual Observatory

MAST regards participation in the Virtual Observatory initiative as an important part of extending the use and availability of the data stored in the MAST archive. Over the past 2-3 years MAST has participated in the VO by providing access to our holdings using VO protocols such as the Simple Cone Search (SCS), Simple Image Access Protocol (SIAP), and the Simple Spectral Access Protocol (SSAP). MAST staff members, Thompson and Kamp have provided significant input to the Spectral Data Model paper and are now considered co-authors on the paper.

While nearing completion of version 1.0, the SSAP is still under development. MAST was one of the first archives to make a significant amount of spectral data available C using a draft version of the protocol. Data from these missions was made available through the draft versions of the protocol: FUSE, IUE, HUT, EUVE, HST/GHRS, HST/STIS, HST/FOS. This provided tool developers such as the ESA VOSpec group and STScI's Busko who has enhanced the SpecView tool to use SSAP protocol, a test bed for development and enhancement. Thompson was an active participant in discussion with both of these groups, adapting their protocol to changing requirements.

The spectral holding within the MAST and HST archives is diversely formated and documented. Working the collaborators at CADC and ST-ECF, MAST staff members are formulating a "spectral container" that will provide a uniform FITS format for all spectral data delivered from MAST and the other two archives. Adapting the early versions of the SSAP web service and the spectral container to include the metatdata vocabulary from newer versions of the draft SSAP documentation and the Spectral Data Model paper is an ongoing effort. Papers detailing the development of the spectral container were presented at the 2005 and 2006 ADASS meetings. MAST staff members were were the primary authors of these papers.

The current plan for most of the MAST data is to create files using the container format and store them in an online cache. However, the GALEX grism spectra of individual objects will be served in an on the fly request. This will permit easy return of spectra extending only over the requested wavelength range. Later versions of the SSAP for the remaining MAST data may also be served over a requested wavelength range. Smith participated in the VO sessions of the IAU General Assembly meeting in Prague (August, 2006) and led a poster discussion on MAST's Spectral Container project. He also discussed a plan to provide spectral classifications as part of an extended list of object classification with Simbad staff and with Drs. Chris Corbally and Richard Gray, who are working on this subject as part of a book they are writing.

MAST Search Tools

plot showing service/tool use MAST has several search tools that complement the individual mission searches. To the right is a summary of the use of these services or tools. The category VO includes all VO searches (e.g. SIAP, SSAP and SCS) The count of cross-correlation includes all uses of the VizieR catalog and Ned catalog cross-correlations, as well as cross-correlations between one MAST mission and another. Literature Link Services includes all links to the pages that correlate refereed journal articles with the data used in the paper. These include links from the ADS and CDS as well as internal links. The GALEX Skynode is a VO service, but was categorized separately. CasJobs is a GALEX tool that permits quick and personalized GALEX searches and allows an individual or a team to save the results in a private database table, thus permitting easy collaboration. The "Other" category includes use of the MAST scrapbook, coplotting, and the HST pointings tools.

Tools that were developed or significantly enhanced during the past 18 months are itemized below.

The MAST/NED Search Interface
In response to suggestions made during a MAST Users Group (MUG) meeting, staff members developed a search tool that allows users to search the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED) as a web service by object name, position, or object category. Optionally, users may also cross correlate the results with archived MAST missions. A search help page was written to assist users in navigating and understanding the search options the tool provides. This search tool complements the MAST/VizieR Search Interface developed during the prior Reporting period.

New Interfaces and Upload tools
Final processing was done on the datasets for the HST legacy instruments GHRS, FOC, and FOS under the HST contract. MAST constructed an interface form "HSTONLINE" in order that users may download these final products without submitting a batch request through DADS. (This page went on line in January, just after the reporting period.)

HST/ACS images are now accessible from the MAST scrapbook. A link was added to the scrapbook search results that displays the image in the Aladin interface. The datasets that have been chosen as representative for the Scrapbook are marked as representative in the table providing VO access to the MAST archive. The flag makes a MAST Scrapbook VO service possible and this service has been registered and used by the VO community.

Pointings Search tool
The algorithm for creation of the "pointings" tables and the web interface to access the pointings tables were extensively enhanced. The algorithm was modified so that more observations could be included in a "pointing" desgination and the pointings designation was stabilized so that searches on a specific pointing could be easily replicated. The interface was rewritten in PHP so that all the standard MAST interface options are included. Users may select whether the output is a summary of the pointings or a detailed list of the observations included in a pointings. The pointings search tool can also be accessed as a webservice GET request, permitting it to be included within scripts.

Journal / MAST data interface
MAST has also modified the interface that lists data used in a journal paper so that a standard search results table is returned, providing more information than the prior interface. The additional information allows users to see previews, associated Community-Contributed High Level Science Products and to easily download the data. The ADS publication service links to this page from their website.

Data IDs allowed in File Uploads
All MAST search interfaces have a "file upload" option so that a user can load a list of targets or coordinates rather than entering them individually. During this reporting period, the interface was enhanced to allow a list of dataset names or IDs to be uploaded.

FUSE Coadds
FUSE spectra have been added to the list of mission datasets that the Spectrum Coplotting tool may access.

Analysis tools

The development of this spectral analysis tool has been supported during the reporting period by MAST. During this period Specview has been modified to provide considerable several new scientific and browsing functionalities. As a first step, a "trusted applet" was incorporated into the web-based version of this tool, allowing users to view and manipulation of spectral data on one's own computer. Specview also now recognizes the spectral mission studied by means of the dataset name. New functionalities include the (applet-enabled) loading and displaying previews of the spectroscopic missions of HST, EUVE, Orfeus, Astro, IUE (low dispersion), and FUSE. Later in the reporting period, this capability was greatly enhanced by enabling Specview to request data from these missions by means of VO-registered web services instead of manually importing the spectra from the MAST archive to one's computer disk. Specview also now allows spectral line libraries to be uploaded in order to facilitate identifications of lines found in imported spectra. Fitting of spectra generated by theoretical Kurucz model atmopsheres. This capability was expanded to allow fits of observed spectra to a grid of either theoretical spectra or standard star spectra. A new capability has been added to identify regions of a spectrum as "continuum" and to fit a polynomial function to these segments. The observed spectrum may then be divided by this continuum fit to produce a rectified spectrum. The output spectrum may now be written in plain ascii format. MAST staff have worked with teams at NED (Caltech), at the University of Paris, and Dupont Research to integrate Specview into some of these groups' applications.

MAST worked closely with the developers of this VO spectral analysis tool, developed by the ESA VO project at ESAC. The initial version of the tool was developed prior to the release of the draft SSAP and based on the SIAP, assuming that the Spectral protocol would be very similar. The initial design of the MAST database for SSAP queries, was based on this assumption and the intial requirements of the ESAC defined SSAP. As the actual SSAP has been refined, so too have the MAST table and VOSpec tool. MAST has helped test the tool and provided valuable feedback to the team.

MAST staff members collaborated with the CDS to provide access to much of the MAST image data through the CDS (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg) image vizualization tool Aladin. Initially, MAST staff included links to bring up preview data in Aladin from MAST preview pages. Subsequently, MAST staff members did the work to add a "MAST" button to the Aladin interface that allows quick and direct access to the MAST image holdings utilizing the VO SIAP interface. Data from GALEX, UIT, VLA-FIRST, XMM-OM, the HLSP and HST image previews are all accessible through this button. The GLU file that MAST updated to create the new button was sent to CDS so that it became a standard Aladin image selection option. The Aladin applet is installed in the MAST website at

High Level Science Products

plot of showing unique domains using HLSP High Level Science Products are community contributed highly processed science ready data files. MAST staff members work with the contributing teams to ensure that the data are compliant with standards and are well documented. Many times, MAST staff members prepare a website in collaboration with the team. MAST staff members also work with the team to map the original data products used to the final HLSP. This mapping makes it easy for the community to see what higher-level data are available as well as to see what data were used to create the HLSPs. Image data are registered and available through a SIAP web service. MAST anticipates making the spectral HLSP available through VO interfaces during the next reporting period, assuming that the VO adopts a final SSAP protocol.

Since the HLSP are located in an anonymous FTP area, MAST cannot precisely measure the number of distinct users downloading the data. However, we can tabulate the number of distinct domains downloading the data. During the reporting period, over 12,800 distinct domains downloaded HLSP. The plot shown to the right shows the number of distinct domains downloading files for each set of HLSP during this reporting period. The number of domains for those HLSP sets acquired or significantly augmented during the reporting year are shown in pink. Click on the image to see a full-sized plot.

Twelve sets of High Level Science Products (HLSP) were delivered and archived during the past 18 months.

MAST staff members wrote a wrapper for an IDL program provided by a member of the GOODS team that creates cut-out images from the GOODS data. Version 1 of the tool is available to the public and can be accessed from the MAST/GOODS web page. A version using a new version of the GOODS data was developed, but is only available to GOODS team members until final delivery of the GOODS HLSP.

See Appendix C for a complete listing of HLSP holdings and retrieval statistics. A complete listing of HLSP hosted at MAST is below. Although MAST provides an interface to the WFPC2 Associations, the data are held at CADC. MAST distributes the data via a proxy.

Outreach to the user community:

  • MAST has an established advisory panel, the MAST Users Group, which meets yearly. Presentations, reports, and responses are maintained on the MAST website.

  • MAST publishes an electronic newsletter about every six months and maintains an archive of these newsletters online. MAST activities are also included in the STScI Newsletter which is usually published quarterly.

  • MAST conducted a comprehensive survey of user preferences, attitudes, and search practices. Results and responses to some comments were presented to the MAST Users Group and also placed on the web.

  • MAST staff participated in several conferences or workshops (AAS, ADASS, IVOA and NVO).


Based on MAST's annual users' surveys and empirical usage patterns, MAST has found that Tutorials are an excellent device to educate both novice and expert users of its web pages and tools.

In 2006 MAST wrote a tutorial on the overall site and useage of various attributes of its websites. These included chapters on its missions, tools, navigational and searching tips, and mining of relevant documentation. A second new tutorial was written on the usage of the VizieR/NED Cross-correlation page at MAST, which allows the user to take full advantage of the VizieR and NED databases for stellar and extragalactic catalogs, respectively, and the greater flexibility provided by MAST's search options. The latter Tutorial walks the user through many of the websit's functionality by posing typical questions concerning the availability of MAST objects and their most relevant attributes. Searches may be made on the basis of an input object name or by cone search around coordinates.

The Specview tool and the GALEX mission are likewise sufficiently empowering for tutorials to be helpful, and for some purposes necessary. These tutorials were initially written in the previous reporting period but have been revised with the addition of tool/site functionality or mission data release. Like the VizieR/NED tutorial, the Specview takes the user through a number of steps, specifically to build a composite spectrum from spectra of several missions and to condition the final spectrum by filtering it with a Fourier filter and output the results. With the functionality added during the reporting period, it will be necessary to split the existing tutorial into two new ones. In contrast, the GALEX tutorial navigates the user through the MAST/GALEX website because GALEX users have generally avoided reading long help pages. The tutorial therefore points out certain features (such as tool tips and help paragraphs that appear from a user's "mouse over") and also points out documentation not available anywhere else on the meaning of keywords and definition of files from the public and GI releases. The tutorial also discusses how to use of a number of search, retrieval, and "playpen" tools, such as "CasJobs," by example.

Coordination activities:

MAST Literature Links:  

graph showing number of refereed papers 2005-2006 The publications database and the links between scientific papers and the referenced MAST datasets are regularly updated as new citations become available through the ADS. To the right is a plot showing the number of papers published in referred journals during the reporting period (July 2005 through December 2006).

avg number of citaions per paper MAST tracks the number of citations per paper in the journal database. We obtain the total number of citations per paper from the ADS. The count is updated at least once per month. To the right is a chart that shows the average number of citations for papers published that year. The citation record for IUE from 1978 through 1991 is not included in this plot. The "fall-off" in the average number of citations per paper for those articles published more recently is due to the lag between publication of a paper and citation of a paper in a later publication. Meylan, Madrid and Macchetto published a paper in PASP,116:790 entitled "HST Science Metrics". These authors state that the peak of the citation rate occurs about 2 years after publication.

average num. citations per paper We show to the right a plot of the average number of citations per paper over the publication lifetime per mission. (Papers from the years 2005-2006 are excluded, so the average number of citations per paper (in pink) increases due to the lag between publication of a paper and citation in a later publication.)

Staffing Chages At MAST

Anthony Rodgers joined the MAST staff on a part-time basis to work on GALEX software. Antonio Volpicelli is also working as a part-time consultant on GALEX related work. Both are salaried from the MAST contract for this work.

Plans for Coming Year

We anticipate that the CHIPS dataset (for operations prior to October, 2005) will be delivered and staged. Data will continue to be relased steadily from FUSE and as GALEX Release 4, in late 2007. We anticipate that we will receive image mosaic data from the XMM-OM project at HEASARC on a regular basis.

Future Services for Ongoing Missions:

  • We plan to include the STIS final calibrated dataset in the HSTONLINE site for quick downloads.

  • Ingest of final FUSE dataset. MAST will meet with the FUSE Project Scientist and members of the Project to identify documents that should be transferred to the MAST site as on-line documentation or storage at a deeper level. A plan has been developed to spotcheck reprocessed data for errors in order to prevent data from being lost as older, but properly processed, datasets are overwritten.
  • GALEX' new navigational and mining tools including Google-style maps and a download manager for certain browsers.

  • As part of its outreach activities, MAST is supporting the STScI Google Sky project, which will be an interface to the Digitized Sky Survey, HST images, and images from other MAST missions. We expect this system to be widely used both by the public and by astronomers.

  • Further work on the Kepler DB and data access. This includes the prototype of the Kepler Target Catalog.

  • MAST will provide a Spectral Services utility that permits users to perform cone searches on objects for which GALEX grism spectra are available. The service will permit users to manipulate spectra with a coplotting tool. The MAST/GALEX group is also developing footprint services that will permit users to perform general cross correlations of objects in nonoverlapping GALEX sky fields and with objects observed with GALEX and other survey missions. Shopping cart services are being developed for GALEX public release data to permit users to create their own customized fits files of collections of objects of interest.

  • Google-style maps for GALEX browsing of sky images: A "Google-style" sky map is being developed for GALEX data. This tool will allow users to roam, pan/zoom, and to differentiate sky "tiles" based on the survey type. This tool is expected to greatly simplify website navigation and to greatlly facilitate data searches on interesting sky regions.

  • MAST will distribute several new High Level Data products from a range of GI and HST-Treasury programs. These will include several sets of Hubble Heritage data, a set of reprocessed IUE High Dispersion data reprocessed with a new processing algorithm developed by a team with an AISRP grant, and data associated with an HST Treasurey Program. We also anticipate archiving data from an HST ACS treasury program examining Globular Clusters.

Appendix A

MAST Data Holdings

Name Size Number of Observations Active Mission Duration
FUSE 939.63 GB 4709 1999-
GALEX 1919 GB (public)
443 GB (proprietary)
213 GB (catalog)
8143 (public tiles)
461 (proprietary tiles)
48,645,074 (imaging catalog objects)
8605 spectra
HST 30.00 TB 568,162 1990-
XMM Optical Monitor 14.23(compressed) 1646 1999-
ORFEUS: BEFS 4.1 GB 332 Sept. 1993; Nov. 1996
ORFEUS: IMAPS 0.3 GB 643 Sept. 1993; Nov. 1996
ORFEUS: TUES 0.2 GB 229 Nov. 1996
EUVE 41.88 GB 1367 1992-Jan. 2001
ASTRO: UIT 56 GB 1442 Dec. 1990; March 1995
ASTRO: HUT 0.6 GB 516 Dec. 1990; March 1995
ASTRO: WUPPE 0.1 GB 238 Dec. 1990; March 1995
IUE Final Archive 475 GB 103,552 1978-1996
IUE SIPS 125 GB 104,296 1978-1996
Copernicus 0.8 GB 551 1972-1981
VLA-FIRST 183.98 GB (compressed) 29,153 1993-
Digitized Sky Surveys 5 TB n/a 1950-58, 1975-99
GSC I, II 2 TB n/a 1950-58, 1975-99

Appendix B

MAST Data Ingest & Retrieval Activity

Date Ingest Volume (GB) - Active Missions Retrieval Volume (GB) - Active Missions Retrieval Volume (GB) - Legacy Missions Datasets Retreived - Active Missions Datasets Retreived - Legacy Missions
Jul 2005 372.62 1621.86 7.79 68275 23160
Aug 2005 345.67 2012.31 64.44 66318 15560
Sep 2005 265.91 1510.57 2.23 60650 2793
Oct 2005 280.92 1367.96 10.99 35958 10920
Nov 2005 334.46 1885.49 29.59 46536 6948
Dec 2005 314.24 1471.66 150.39 55760 31277
Jan 2006 387.6 2005.96 20.57 57290 4066
Feb 2006 345.46 1968.73 177.83 50301 30417
Mar 2006 456.05 1517.21 4.20 73615 4443
Apr 2006 683.33 1682.00 21.02 42310 5922
May 2006 1164.26 1685.5<3 2.44 53598 1615
Jun 2006 220.72 3235.69 5.74 297336 1449
Jul 2006 734.73 3775.04 17.88 183538 3472
Aug 2006 318.86 2226.53 9.85 70189 12086
Sep 2006 248.56 1660.86 3.34 68416 4614
Oct 2006 315.88 3663.43 4.18 786976 2820
Nov 2006 330.29 2453.37 110.08 156912 334316
Dec 2006 337.11 1433.60 78.60 41613 271549
Total7,457.27 37,177.80 721.16 2,215,591 767,427

Appendix C

Community Contributed Science-Ready Data Holdings and Retrieval Statistics

High-Level Science Product Retrieval Statistics
Holdings Retrievals
HLSP Set Size of HLSP set (GB) Number of Files GB retrieved Files retrieved Unique Domains
10 Lac (O9V) Spectral Atlas (HST/GHRS) 0.005 67 0.069 856 28
WFPC2 Archival Parallels (Proposal 9540) 53.715 16285 18.760 26419 263
CoolCAT - A cool-star UV spectral catalog 1.354 1287 7.271 7568 206
Cosmic Evolution Survey - COSMOS 86.601 1890 336.874 16024 176
Catalogs of B-, V-, and i-band dropout sources 0.001 10 0.011 197 76
HST Treasury Program on Eta Carinae 18.633 980 18.984 1140 37
EUV Spectral Atlas of Stars (EUVE) 0.026 479 0.127 2399 37
AGN and Quasar Spectral Atlas (HST/FOS) 0.031 446 0.455 4623 68
Quasar Spectrum FUSE 0.000 1 0.001 47 42
FUSE Atlas of Starburst Galaxies 0.008 52 0.033 243 50
OB Stars (Galactic): FUSE Spectral Atlas 0.027 184 0.155 1187 120
OB Stars (Magellanic): FUSE Spectral Atlas 0.001 66 0.007 448 56
FUSE Spectral Atlas of Wolf-Rayet Stars 0.001 2 0.022 473 81
GALEX Atlas of Nearby Galaxies 0.537 3241 13.340 53623 357
GEMS: Galaxy Evolution from Morphologies and SEDs 88.013 46 5 1298.813 9727 339
GOODS: The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey 91.697 1342 1619.807 25880 1778
Grism-ACS Program for Extragalactic Science (GRAPES) 0.075 1 401 0.471 9060 59
Hubble Deep Field 2.028 181 31.715 10704 538
Hubble Deep Field South 2.570 67 20.984 3064 342
Hubble Helix Observations 2.388 25 44.269 304 57
Pre-Main Sequence Stars: IUE Spectral Atlas 0.009 732 0.041 3366 40
Hubble Space Telescope ACS mosaic images of M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy 3.328 31 105.202 1540 343
Hubble Space Telescope ACS mosaic images of M82 2.531 25 10.009 64 8*
Ultraviolet Images of Nearby Galaxies 0.354 224 0.694 1460 114
Quasar Spectrum HST/FOS 0.000 1 0.161 649 246
Spiral Galaxies 16.071 758 17.365 1013 45
Search Field from a Search for Kuiper Belt Objects 3.5258 7.898 159 89
Hubble Ultra Deep Field Follow-on 2.466 7 79.174 335 83
Ultra Deep Field ACS-HRC Parallels 0.095 394 0.798 4175 257
Ultra Deep Field - ACS-WFC 1.378 13 56.767 1271 565
Ultra Deep Field NICMOS Parallels 0.017 12 0.296 435 180
Ultra Deep Field NICMOS-Treasury 0.686 20 15.492 2018 601
Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 AssociationsNANA 44.616 18342 540
TOTALS 378.171 30726 3750.681 22048 7821

* The M82 data were released on December 31, 2006. Archive proposers for these data were given the option of receiving a DVD containing the HLSP. Eighteen DVDs were sent to those who requested them.

Last Modified: Feb 22, 2007 15:41