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Service Outage

On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

Project Publications

Instrument and Data Descriptions

"The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope: Design and Performance," T.P. Stecher, G.R. Baker, D.D. Bartoe, F.H. Bauer, A. Blum, R.C. Bohlin, H.R. Butcher, P.C. Chen, N.R. Collins, R.H. Cornett, J.J. Deily, M.R. Greason, G.S. Hennessy, J.K. Hill, R.S. Hill, P.M.N. Hintzen, J.E. Isensee, P.J. Kenny, W.B. Landsman, D.L. Linard, S.P. Maran, S.G. Neff, G.R. Nichols, J. Novello, R.W. O'Connell, J.D. Offenberg, R.A. Parise, B.B. Pfarr, T.B. Plummer, F.F. Richardson, M.S. Roberts, S.D. Sitko, A.M. Smith, A.K. Stober, J.D. Stolarik, and J.C. Tebay. 1992,ApJ,395,L1

"Correcting the Distortion of Images Taken With the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope," M.R. Greason, J.D. Offenberg, R.H.Cornett R.S. Hill, and T.P. Stecher. 1994,PASP,106,1151

"The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope: Instrument and Data Characteristics," Stecher, T.P. Cornett, R.H., Greason, M.R., Landsman, W.B., Hill, J.K., Hill, R.S., Bohlin, R.C., Chen, P.C., Collins, N.R., Fanelli, M.N., Hollis, J.I., Neff, S.G., O'Connell, R.W., Offenberg, J.D., Parise, R.A., Parker,J., Roberts, M.S., Smith, A.M., and Waller, W.H. 1997,PASP,109,584.


"UIT Near Ultraviolet Bright Objects Catalog," E.P. Smith, A.J. Pica, R.C. Bohlin, R.H. Cornett, M.N. Fanelli, W.B. Landsman, R.W. O'Connell, M.S. Roberts, A.M. Smith, and T.P. Stecher. 1996,ApJS,104,287

Lists of Scientific Publications

UIT Papers from the ASTRO Missions, compiled by UIT project, covers 1992 - 1998.