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On Saturday, July 27, from 11:00 to 21:00 UTC (7 am to 5 pm US Eastern Time), all MAST services will be unavailable due to maintenance.

IUE Refereed Publications

During the long history of the IUE Project, a list of all refereed scientific publications was kept. They are given, alphabetically by first author, for the years from 1978 through the end of May 1997. The journals surveyed for this compilation are listed below, with the abbreviations used in the references.

Warning! There are over 3000 references listed!

Currently this is a simple text file. You can use the "Find" function of your web browser to search for specific names or other keywords.

Publications List

Journals and Their Abbreviations in the Reference List

Name Abbreviation
Advances in Space Research ASR
* Astronomical Journal AJ
* Astronomy and Astrophysics A&A
* Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement A&AS
* Astrophysical Journal ApJ
* Astrophysical Journal Supplement ApJS
* Astrophysics and Space Science AP&SS
Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia BAIC
Geophysical Research LettersGRL
* Icarus ICARUS
Irish Astronomical Journal IAJ
Journal of Geophysical Research JGR
* Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society MNRAS
Moon and Planets M&P
* Nature NATURE
* Observatory OBS
Physica Scripta PS
* Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia PASA
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science PNAS
* Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan PASJ
* Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific PASP
Reviews of Geophysics and Space PhysicsRGSP
* Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica RMAA
Royal Society Philosophical Transactions RSPT

Notes: * = checked 1978 through 1995