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Daily Data Reports

This area contains reports of recently archived and recently released HST data. The reports are updated automatically every morning at 5:00AM Eastern US time.

STScI used to maintain a set of "daily reports" concerning instrument activities that are now acessible from

An HST dataset is "released" when its proprietary period expires. The default proprietary period of HST data is one year from the time of ingest into MAST, though some observing programs or datasets may have been granted shorter or longer proprietary periods. Once the dataset is released, it may be retrieved from MAST without special authorization. Principal investigators and co-investigators may have their MAST archive accounts enabled to retrieve proprietary data from their observing programs. Contact for more information.

The links labelled gz are the gzip-compressed versions of the reports. Most modern browsers are capable of handling compressed HTML on the fly, so these compressed versions may download significantly faster for you than the uncompressed versions, especially over a slow Internet connection.

Data released within the last 3 days (gz), 7 days (gz), 14 days (gz), or 28 days (gz)
Last updated: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 5:00 AM

Data archived within the last 3 days (gz), 7 days (gz), 14 days (gz), or 28 days (gz)
Last updated: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 5:00 AM

Current Target Descriptions List
Last updated: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 5:00 AM