Celine Blanchette
It goes without saying that space is very, very big. There’s a point when trying to roll around the numbers and measurements in your head just returns an error message and a headache. And all of that space is filled with… well, nothing much, really. All the galaxies in the universe seem to be arranged into filaments situated on the edges of absolutely massive bubbles of vacuum. When faced with something so utterly incomprehensible, it’s hard to decide what is more terrifying: the voids of nothing or the unknown something that may or may not be there. My work, inspired by the Illustris Project’s simulations of the cosmic web, seeks to remind us all that we are all floating around in an abyss containing a structure that looks ominously like a spider’s web. While there may not be an actual galaxy-crushing spider lurking in our real cosmic web, there are still enough unknowns about our universe to make space unnerving. Be careful not to breathe too hard on this sculpture, or you might just dislodge a subatomic particle harboring 8 billion sapient lifeforms.
Inspiration: Illustris Simulation