Column | Data Type | Description |
SDSS_ID | bigint | Unique SDSS ID |
nChild | int | Number of children if this is a deblened composite object. BRIGHT (in a flags sense) objects also have nchild==1, the non-BRIGHT sibling. |
SDSS_RA | float | RA in J2000 from SpecObj (deg) |
SDSS_RA_ERROR | float | RA error in J2000 from SpecObj (deg) |
SDSS_DEC | float | Declination in J2000 from SpecObj (deg) |
SDSS_DEC_ERROR | float | Declination error in J2000 from SpecObj (deg) |
SDSS_type | int | Morphological type classification of the object. |
psfMag_u | float | PSF flux in u band (mag) |
psfMag_g | float | PSF flux in g band (mag) |
psfMag_r | float | PSF flux in r band (mag) |
psfMag_i | float | PSF flux in i band (mag) |
psfMag_z | float | PSF flux in z band (mag) |
psfMagErr_u | float | PSF flux error in u band (mag) |
psfMagErr_g | float | PSF flux error in g band (mag) |
psfMagErr_r | float | PSF flux error in r band (mag) |
psfMagErr_i | float | PSF flux error in i band (mag) |
psfMagErr_z | float | PSF flux error in z band (mag) |
expMag_u | float | Exponential fit magnitude in u band (mag) |
expMag_g | float | Exponential fit magnitude in g band (mag) |
expMag_r | float | Exponential fit magnitude in r band (mag) |
expMag_i | float | Exponential fit magnitude in i band (mag) |
expMag_z | float | Exponential fit magnitude in z band (mag) |
expMagErr_u | float | Exponential fit magnitude error in u band (mag) |
expMagErr_g | float | Exponential fit magnitude error in g band (mag) |
expMagErr_r | float | Exponential fit magnitude error in r band (mag) |
expMagErr_i | float | Exponential fit magnitude error in i band (mag) |
expMagErr_z | float | Exponential fit magnitude error in z band (mag) |
expAB_u | float | Exponential fit b/a in u band |
expAB_g | float | Exponential fit b/a in g band |
expAB_r | float | Exponential fit b/a in r band |
expAB_i | float | Exponential fit b/a in i band |
expAB_z | float | Exponential fit b/a in z band |
expABErr_u | float | Exponential fit b/a error in u band |
expABErr_g | float | Exponential fit b/a error in g band |
expABErr_r | float | Exponential fit b/a error in r band |
expABErr_i | float | Exponential fit b/a error in i band |
expABErr_z | float | Exponential fit b/a error in z band |
deVMag_u | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in u band (mag) |
deVMag_g | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in g band (mag) |
deVMag_r | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in r band (mag) |
deVMag_i | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in i band (mag) |
deVMag_z | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit in z band (mag) |
deVMagErr_u | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in u band (mag) |
deVMagErr_g | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in g band (mag) |
deVMagErr_r | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in r band (mag) |
deVMagErr_i | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in i band (mag) |
deVMagErr_z | float | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error in z band (mag) |
deVAB_u | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in u band |
deVAB_g | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in g band |
deVAB_r | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in r band |
deVAB_i | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in i band |
deVAB_z | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a in z band |
deVABErr_u | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in u band |
deVABErr_g | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in g band |
deVABErr_r | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in r band |
deVABErr_i | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in i band |
deVABErr_z | float | de Vaucouleurs fit b/a error in z band |
petroMag_u | float | Petrosian magnitude in u band (mag) |
petroMag_g | float | Petrosian magnitude in g band (mag) |
petroMag_r | float | Petrosian magnitude in r band (mag) |
petroMag_i | float | Petrosian magnitude in i band (mag) |
petroMag_z | float | Petrosian magnitude in z band (mag) |
petroMagErr_u | float | Petrosian magnitude error in u band (mag) |
petroMagErr_g | float | Petrosian magnitude error in g band (mag) |
petroMagErr_r | float | Petrosian magnitude error in r band (mag) |
petroMagErr_i | float | Petrosian magnitude error in i band (mag) |
petroMagErr_z | float | Petrosian magnitude error in z band (mag) |
flags1 | bigint | Photo Object Attribute Flags (bitmask) |
flags2 | string | Photo Object Attribute Flags (converted to bit labels) |
flags_u | bigint | Object detection flags per band in u band |
flags_g | bigint | Object detection flags per band in g band |
flags_r | bigint | Object detection flags per band in r band |
flags_i | bigint | Object detection flags per band in i band |
flags_z | bigint | Object detection flags per band in z band |
edge | int | Number of observations of this object near an edge |
u_sat | int | ??? |
g_sat | int | ??? |
r_sat | int | ??? |
i_sat | int | ??? |
z_sat | int | ??? |
u_cr | int | ??? |
g_cr | int | ??? |
r_cr | int | ??? |
i_cr | int | ??? |
z_cr | int | ??? |
probPSF_u | int??? | Probablity object is a star in u band |
probPSF_g | int??? | Probablity object is a star in g band |
probPSF_r | int??? | Probablity object is a star in r band |
probPSF_i | int??? | Probablity object is a star in i band |
probPSF_z | int??? | Probablity object is a star in z band |
psffwhm_u | float | FWHM in u-band (arcsec) |
psffwhm_g | float | FWHM in g-band (arcsec) |
psffwhm_r | float | FWHM in r-band (arcsec) |
psffwhm_i | float | FWHM in i-band (arcsec) |
psffwhm_z | float | FWHM in z-band (arcsec) |
specObj_ID | bigint | Pointer to the spectrum of object, if exists, else 0 |
plate | int | Plate ID |
mjd | int | MJD of observation |
fiber_ID | int | Fiber ID |
redshift | float | Final Redshift |
redshiftErr | float | Redshift error |
specType | int | ??? |
class | string | Spectroscopic class (GALAXY, QSO, or STAR) |
subClass | string | Spectroscopic subclass |
class_person | string | ??? |
elodieSpType | string | ??? |
B_V_color | float | B-V color |
Teff | float | ??? |
logG | float | ??? |
metallicity | float | ??? |
elodie_redshift | float | ??? |
elodie_redshiftErr | float | ??? |
propermotion | float | ??? |
usno_red1 | float | ??? |
usno_red2 | float | ??? |
usno_blue1 | float | ??? |
usno_blue2 | float | ??? |
run | int | Run number |
rerun | int | Rerun number |
camcol | int | Camera column |
field | int | Field number |
dstArcSec | float | ??? |
distanceRank | int | ??? |
reverseDistanceRank | int | ??? |
multipleMatchCount | int | ??? |
reverseMultipleMatchCount | int | ??? |