STScI Newsletter
2024 / Volume / Issue
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MAST Staff - 2024 Oct 30MAST at AAS 245 in Washington, D.C.
That's right! MAST will be at the upcoming AAS meeting. Come see your favorite archive scientists in full 3D. So, what great things do we have planned?
- A two day workshop, in collaboration with the TESS GI office. We'll talk about how data are taken, how you can analyze them, and tips for efficiently querying the archive. We'll also have special sessions on analyzing TESS data using our free cloud platform, TIKE. Whether you're new to TESS or a long time user of the data, there's something for you. Sign up now by adding this event to your AAS registration!
- A MAST booth presence: throughout the week, we'll be available to answer your questions, run demos of our tools, and collect feedback. You can also stop by just to say hello!
- A hyperwall talk at the NASA booth. (Time/Date TBD!)
We look forward to seeing you there!